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Anti-ageing / Rejuvenation

Skin is continuously at the mercy of so many factors and over time, expression lines, volume loss, pigmentation and dark patches may become noticeable. With the skill and expertise of our medical team, combined with the industry’s most advanced, effective treatments, we are...

Wrinkle Injections

What’s on this page Medically reviewed by Lorcan Sheppard BSc MBBS FRCA, Chief Medical Officer for The Private Clinic of Harley Street, London.Last Reviewed April 4th 2024 Related Treatments Wrinkle Injections As we age, skin loses its elasticity, and...

Skin Rejuvenation

The trend of this decade is to age beautifully, with more people seeking treatments that deliver radiant, firmer, younger-looking skin with results that are long lasting and look natural. At the Private Clinic we believe that rather than put too...

Face Wrinkle Treatments

Wrinkle Treatments Forehead Wrinkles (“Frown” Lines) Those vertical “frown” lines between your eyebrows are known as glabellar lines. Many people believe that excessive worrying or frowning cause “Frown” Lines on its own but this is not true. Those vertical...

Treatments You Can Trust

Quality Assurance and Register for injectable treatment providers The Private Clinic is on the Independent Health Advisory Service’s ‘Treatment You Can Trust’ Register of Injectable Cosmetic Providers, which recognises clinics with suitable premises and appropriately trained, doctors, medical professionals...

Body Surgery

We have a team of some of the best liposuction doctors and consultant plastic surgeons in the UK to help patients enhance and improve their body under expert guidance. Our doctors and plastic surgeons are highly educated, have thousands...

Tracy Mountford

GMC Number: 3085451

Dermal Fillers in Northampton

Maximise your anti-ageing results at the best dermal filler clinic in Northampton.  Where to get Dermal Fillers in Northampton? If your beauty goal is youthful-looking skin with a plump and hydrated finish, then visit our Northampton dermal fillers clinic...

Dr Richard Brighton-Knight

MB ChB, Masters in Public Health
GMC Number: 4196903

Rumyana Atanasova


Marie Narsoomamode

RGN, BSc (Hons), Independent Nurse Prescriber
NMC Number: 92A1045E

Mr Amit Patel

BSc, MD, MBBS, FRCS (Plast.)
GMC Number: 4737010

Emma Andrews


A Smile is a Curve That Sets Everything Straight: Could Botox Jabs be the Answer to Clinical Depression?

Could Botox jabs be the latest weapon in treating severe depression? According to a recent Daily Mail article, US scientists believe so…

Botox in your 20s – is it a good or bad idea to have Botox before 30?

More and more people in their 20 are turning to Botox, as recent headlines attest. As a response, we’re getting a lot of questions about whether it is good or bad to have Botox before turning 30. With the...

Our Botox Advice

Botox can do incredible things. The wondrous anti-ageing treatment both tackles unwanted wrinkles and lines, and prevents new ones from forming, by relaxing our facial muscles. Its rejuvenation powers have led the treatment to become the most popular aesthetic...

What are Botox Injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections is a procedure that continues to rise in popularity year after year due to its effectiveness and various uses to treat different concerns. In this blog post, we will be covering everything about Botox from its different...

Is Botox Good or Bad? We Answer Your Questions about the Cosmetic & Medical Uses of Botox

Botox has lots of medical uses as well as its most famous cosmetic use to treat lines and wrinkles. When administered correctly Botox treatments offer a great and sustainable way to ensure you manage and avoid those bothersome deep...

GMC Come down hard on Botox prescriptions

Wrinkle Relaxing Injections such as the well know Botox has over the years caused many a discussion on its safety and the way it is administered. The General Medical Council (GMC) will issue new rules to UK Doctors, this week,...

5 Things You Should Know about Botox

Botox has been around since the 1960s and has been used for many cosmetic and medical reasons. Wrinkle-relaxing injections are the most popular non-surgical treatment year after year. It’s important to choose a skilled, experienced and trained medical professional...

Botox near me

Botox otherwise known as Botulinum toxin is an FDA approved medicine that achieves great results when it comes to tackling fine lines and wrinkles. Wrinkles are unfortunately unavoidable and just part of ageing. The repeated contraction of the facial...

Botox Deals: How Far Would You Go for A Discount?

Seen a cheap Botox deal pressuring you into taking it up with limited time offers? You can report it to the Advertising Standards Agency. Not only is it unethical but it is against the rules. It makes you wonder...

Botox for depression

The late American actress Phyllis Diller once said ‘A smile is a curve that sets everything straight’. Whilst it’s unlikely that Miss Diller was aware of any medical evidence to support such a claim, research just published suggests that...

Botox: how young is too young?

Over the last few years, there has been a steep rise in the number of 20-somethings turning to Botox as a means of attaining eternal youth. Last year, it was reported that there had been a 56% year on...

Why choose The Private Clinic?

As a multi-award winning cosmetic surgery provider, here at The Private Clinic we pride ourselves on offering over 40 years of experience in medical cosmetic treatments. Our team of surgeons and practitioners are world-class specialists in Hair Transplants &...

Youth Maintenance or Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

How your skin ages will depend on factors such as lifestyle, diet and your genetics. Giveaway signs to ageing skin range from thinning of the skin to loss of elasticity. Although a good skincare regime will help to stop...

A to Z of Skin Condition Treatments at The Private Clinic

Common skin treatments available at cosmetic clinics across the UK. First step should always be your GP so they can track and monitor your health. See below for a guide to common skin condition treatments: Acne Lots of treatments...

The constant rise in men opting for cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic procedures in this modern day don’t only sit with women any longer. There has been a dramatic increase in men opting for all kinds of cosmetic procedures including Hair Transplants, Liposuction procedures, muscle sculpting procedures like Vaser High-Def, Botox,...

Have a glow

We are all well aware of the signs of ageing but what if we’re not ready to embark on fillers or Botox. Juvéderm HYDRATE represents a new spin on restoring that youthful glow. Miss Jonquille Chantrey of The Private...

So has Abbey Crouch had a lip enhancement?

Celebrities seem to be the talk of the town at the moment but for many of them, it’s for the wrong reasons, just take Abbey Crouch for instance.  She was all over the papers this week with people speculating...

Government Announces New Scheme of Licensing for England for Aesthetic Treatments

The government has confirmed their intention to introduce licensing for non-surgical aesthetic treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers. On March 1st, 2022, the proposed amendment to the Health and Care Bill was discussed in parliament. The changes would...

When is the perfect time to have a cosmetic procedure?

Today The Daily Mail talks about how there was a time when turning 40 meant less pressure to look perfect than nowadays. One in three women over 40 are so concerned about their appearance that they would consider plastic...

Skincare in your thirties

Aristotle once said “The body is at its best between the ages of thirty and thirty-five.” We see no reason why that mantra can’t extend to your skin…and why it has to stop at 35. After we hit our mid-twenties, the skin’s production...

6 Non Surgical Facial Treatments for Wrinkles

There are a lot of treatments out there that claim to reveal younger and wrinkle-free skin. It can be a little overwhelming when it comes to deciding which treatment is going to give you the best results for your...

What could excessive sweating be doing to your body?

Excessive sweating: How it affects your body

Skincare in your forties

40 is the new 30 – there’s absolutely no disputing that. However, while we might feel as youthful as ever inside, our forties can be the time when our skin catches up with earlier years and begins to show signs of...

5 Things To Consider Before Having Wrinkle Treatments

Wrinkle injectables  are the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment year after year. Thousands of women and men of different ages come to clinics and practitioners across the UK for this injection treatment every year. The Private Clinic recently spoke to...

Cosmetic surgery: have your say

More and more people are now opting for cosmetic surgery and it’s important to note that there is a big rise in procedures amongst men. Plastic surgery statistics in the UK show a record number of “man boob” reduction...

Wrinkle Relaxing Injections and Dermal Filler Near me

When it comes to choosing a clinic for wrinkle injections and / or dermal filler treatment it shouldn’t be a quick decision. Take your time to fully research the location, the practitioners working there and take a look at...

Skincare in your fifties

Coco Chanel once said “you can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life”.  It’s time to get irresistible…   By the time we approach 50 our skin has normally gone through...

Cosmetic Treatments Around the World & What Is Popular Where

Over the past week, the Guardian’s Tehran bureau has reported on the growing trend for nose reshaping surgery, more commonly referred to as ‘nose jobs’ or more clinically as rhinoplasty. As many as 200,000 Iranians a year are getting...

Why do we sweat? And how can you treat excessive sweating?

We explore what causes us to sweat, and how you can treat excessive perspiration.  While the grey clouds and drop in temperature suggest that summer’s left us for the other side of the world, think back a couple of...

Government launches information on Cosmetic Surgery

When it comes to cosmetic procedures, it is important to feel well informed and educated to be able to make a safe choice in regards to what procedure you decide to have, where to have the procedure and who...

Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical

Ageing happens to us all. It isn’t something to be ashamed of,  nor is it anything that we need to stop. However, if you find the effects of ageing are taking their toll on your confidence, you may be...

Surgical Facelift Options

As we age, our face is responsible for most signs of ageing. In the natural ageing process, our skin loses its elasticity and volume. Combined with gravity, this, unfortunately, causes our face to draw downwards, nearer the bone, often...

The Cosmetic Surgery Boom And The Private Clinic

Britons are spending £2.3 billion a year on cosmetic procedures, which includes invasive and non-invasive treatments and procedures. The figure is expected to rise to £3.6 billion in two years and around 43,000 people are having cosmetic surgery each...

The Nefertiti Lift – a non-surgical treatment for a defined jawline and neck lift

So who was Nefertiti? She was an Egyptian queen known for her smooth neck and sculptured jawline. Hence the Nefertiti-inspired title given to this Botox led treatment resulting in the Nefertiti effect.

Dermal Fillers in the News: How Qualified Is Qualified in the Cosmetic Industry?

The big news over the bank holiday weekend for the Aesthetic industry were the recommendations put forward as part of a review by the NHS director, Sir Bruce Keogh, into cosmetic procedure regulations that included a ban on unqualified...

For men, cosmetic treatments may not be a talking point, but many are considering it.

In today’s image conscious society there is a growing trend for men to seek more invasive grooming techniques rather than just a new haircut or face cream. Bro-tox (Male Botox) is a popular treatment that men are seeking to...

Dermal filler clinic near me

Dermal fillers are a great way to help soften facial creases and wrinkles, plump up thin lips, and enhance shallow facial contours. The injectable treatment uses Hyaluronic Acid which is injected into the skin to enhance facial features. We...

Opting for a more natural look to anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers

A natural face is now making a come-back in the world of celebrities, gone are the oversized lips and frozen foreheads and instead stars are embracing their natural lines and wrinkles. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are avoiding the...

Best cosmetic doctors, Near Me

“The era of over-filled lips and dramatic cosmetic surgery procedures is passing, with patients looking for not just a subtler look and an alternative to invasive forms of cosmetic surgery… combined with people wanting to return to their day...

5 Minutes with Marie Narsoomamode

Having been a Nurse Practitioner at The Private Clinic for many years, Marie Narsoomamoode has carried out thousands of procedures and experienced first hand the advancements in technology and how the cosmetic industry is changing. We are lucky enough...

Celebrity Skincare Favourites

Looking at social media you can’t miss the many celebrities flaunting their selfies  – with flawless skin and forever youthful appearances, it may leave you feeling slightly deflated! But more often than not their perfected skin is all down...

What are “Daddy Do-Overs”?

Mommy makeovers are a popular procedure among women typically after pregnancy as they want to get their bodies back to how they looked before pregnancy. Mommy makeovers typically involve a combination of procedures such as liposuction, breast lift and...

The ‘Wobbly Bits Facelift’

This week The Private Clinic featured in the Mail Online in connection with a new type of Volume Enhancing Facial Treatment that is currently making waves in the UK.

Q&A: 2013 Cosmetic Industry Review by Sir Bruce Keogh

Sir Bruce Keogh, the health service’s medical director, published a review for the Department of Health in England on the problems associated with the Cosmetic Industry, including calling for a complete reclassification of dermal filler products. At the moment, anyone...

Demi Moore a fan of Thermage Skin-Tightening

Demi Moore’s youthful apperance has always left us questioning our own skin care routines and wondering what her big secret it. It is not secret that she has previously had cosmetic procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation and botox...

Top 5 Non-Invasive Cosmetic treatments for Men

Cosmetic procedures have always been associated with women however, more and more men are undergoing cosmetic treatments to combat and prevent the signs of ageing or improve the look of their skin and hair. Research by the British Association...

Plastic Surgery for Men 2022: All You Need to Know

The majority of men have some kind of issue or imperfection they would like to address with their bodies. Whether it’s losing a bit of weight, gaining more muscle or tackling emerging wrinkles and receding hairlines as we age....

Hyperhidrosis treatment for a sweat-free summer

Temperatures are finally starting to reflect the time of the year so it seems summer’s here at last. But for those who suffer from excessive sweating, the arrival of summer can be bad news. Perspiration is common for the...

Male vs. Female Skin: Do women age quicker than men?

Men and women are often pitted against each other when it comes to daily life but not many people think about skin differences despite skin’s importance. Skin is the biggest and most visible organ of the body after all....

Is your workout ageing you?

As we get older, many of us find that we have to work that little bit harder to achieve the body that we desire. However, whilst years of running, weight training, cycling and careful dieting may enable us to...

How to get rid of wrinkles and signs of ageing

While adverts might have us believe that a single, bargain-priced lotion is all we need to transform our face from someone whose years are catching up with them to Hollywood starlet, it’s unfortunately very rarely the case. Wrinkles and...

Say bye-bye to false eyelashes

Healthcare company Allergan have thought of it all – having developed Latisse, ‘a prescription treatment for hypotrichosis (inadequate or not enough eyelashes) to grow eyelashes longer, fuller and darker’, they are looking to release the treatment in the UK....

How has Covid-19 impacted Cosmetic Surgery?

It is no surprise that the Covid-19 pandemic will change the way that cosmetic surgery procedures....

Top 10 Facial Rejuvenation Treatments

Facial rejuvenation doesn’t have to mean surgical procedures with lengthy downtimes. We have a number of non-invasive treatments that can help to tighten, brighten and revitalise your skin resulting in a fresher and more youthful appearance. We have picked...

Treatment Guide: Facial Wrinkles and Lines

There are plenty of facial rejuvenation treatments out there but which ones are the best for lines and wrinkles? Many facial skin treatments can improve the appearance of the face, reducing lines and wrinkles even if they are not...

Which laser is best?

The cosmetic treatment market now hosts a variety of laser treatments, from laser eye surgery to laser hair removal – it seems like there is a laser for everything. Lasers are not just great for the body though and...

The Private Clinic Manchester: Treatments

The Private Clinic is a leading provider in non-invasive cosmetic treatments, with treatment clinics, minor surgery theatres and consulting rooms across the UK. We have expertise spanning over 40 years and work with world-renowned practitioners, therapists and surgeons. Some...

Celebrity Skin Care Secrets

As the faces of age defying celebrities grace our screens, social media feeds and favourite magazine covers it can often leave us wondering what their secret is. Without delving deep into their personal diaries the answers are usually hard...

Liz Jones – Fat Transfer to the hands

Mail Online Well, it’s official. As we age, it’s our hands, not our faces, that most concern us — bulging purple veins, thinning, crepey skin, and brown speckles. *All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences...

Best Aesthetic clinic near me

Choosing an aesthetic clinic can be a daunting task, there may be lots of different options available near you, but we want you to feel confident in being able to choose the best clinic who is going to offer...

Medical uses for cosmetic treatments

Most people today are pretty clued up on what different cosmetic procedures can achieve aesthetically, but did you know some of the most well known procedures are actually used for other medical purposes too? We explain a few of...

A 'facial' before an event is a woman's best kept secret

It’ natural for a woman to schedule a beauty regime before any event to ensure she looks her best. Many celebrities spend days, even weeks on end getting ready for a red carpet event and it was Kim Kardashian...

Dermatologist Near Me, London Harley Street

Often patients visit a dermatologist thinking that they have a certain skin condition when they actually have a completely different issue. It is quite easy to self-diagnose, however, you can be running the risks of treating the wrong condition....

5 Cosmetic Treatments You (Probably) Didn’t Know Existed

Cosmetic surgery is a popular topic of discussion nowadays and, with more open resources, we all know a lot more than we used to on an assortment of procedures. But there are also some pioneering treatments that are lesser...

Procedures that complement a facelift

A facelift procedure provides many benefits such as softening deep creases and wrinkles as well as tightening loose skin to give an overall more refreshed and lifted appearance. For some patients however, a facelift is just the start in...

Dermal fillers: everything you need to know

If you are considering dermal fillers or have heard them mentioned and want to know more, in this blog post you will find all the information you need about this popular treatment. What are Dermal Fillers? Dermal fillers can...

Brilliant ways to tackle wrinkles and sagging skin without surgery

Going through life we frown, smile and laugh. It’s natural for our bodies to manifest a physical reaction to our emotions and surroundings. However, by doing so, we encourage the appearance of fine lines and dynamic wrinkles. Additionally, with...

Is technology ageing us quicker?

Tech neck is a term that’s been popping up in the media recently. It suggests our love of technology is causing us aesthetic problems. But is it actually real? And what can you do to reverse it?   Recent statistics suggest that...

The T-Lift with Mr Davood Fallahdar

According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) the number of facelifts performed on both men and women has experienced an overall increase of 7%; facelifts performed on women increased by 9% and for men declined by...

The Best Non-Surgical Anti-aging Treatments

Our face is often one of the first areas to show the signs of ageing. Age spots, dry skin, crow’s feet, wrinkles, sagging skin, dark circles and generally looking tired are all big contributors to ageing skin. There are...

Treatments You Can Trust: Cosmetic Injectable Treatments

As we have now entered the peak period for cosmetic injectable treatments (the final months in the lead up to Christmas), we are keen to spread awareness of the campaign.

Celeb ‘natural’ beauty obsessions top UK Plastic Surgery wish lists

There has recently been a growing number of celebrity body-part look-alike requests, with an increasing number of people turning to the natural beauty of their famous idols for inspiration.

Why the Facelift Fell Out of Fashion

Daily Mail Good tpc_news for all women – the facelift is officially as dead as Davina McCall’s chat show. Facelifts have fallen out of favour and off the list of top five treatments now requested in the land of...

I looked 56. I’m only 50. I may need a stronger dose of wrinkle treatments

The Times Bro-tox, moob reduction: the procedures men are having. More men than ever are having cosmetic surgery. The number of men choosing it has risen by 16% in the past year, according to BAAPs. There has also been...

These are set to be the biggest cosmetic surgery trends for 2019

Marie Claire From ‘tweakments’ to temporal facelifts, here’s what you need to know for the year ahead From lip fillers to baby botox, cosmetic surgery’s popularity isn’t going anywhere any time soon. But when it comes to the ‘look’ of the times, things...

The treatment to Stop Excessive Sweating

GP and cosmetic doctor Dr John Quinn says: “Hyperhidrosis is a condition where you have excessive sweating and can be either what’s called primary or secondary. Secondary hyperhidrosis ‘tends to be generalised (all over the body and not just...

Summer Beauty

Celebrity Beauty Stalker Whether you’re planning to spend your summer here in London or plan to feel hotter temperatures rise in another destination get beach or pool ready and don’t go making a splash without packing those designer shades...

The Private Clinic, offer help to administer the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine for Covid-19

The Telegraph The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has expressed interest in utilising cosmetic doctors and nurses for the nationwide vaccine roll-out programme. In response to this, management teams at The Private Clinic have offered up...

What Lies Beneath

Asian Bride Mag Nina Ubhi delves into the world of non-invasive cosmetic treatments, which increasingly seem to be a popular choice for the modern Asian woman. I turn on the TV and even the stars of (apparent) reality shows seem to...

Rise in the Number of Men Opting for Wrinkle Treatments What do Simon Cowell, Gordon Ramsay and David Hasselhoff have in common? They’ve all confessed to having Botox. It seems this cosmetic treatment isn’t just for women: clinics across Britain have reported a rise in the number of...

Liz Jones – Fat Transfer to the hands

Mail Online Well, it’s official. As we age, it’s our hands, not our faces, that most concern us — bulging purple veins, thinning, crepey skin, and brown speckles. *All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences...

What to consider before you have Wrinkle Injections

Female First Botox is considered to be the most popular cosmetic treatment in the world, but it is equally as important to do your research about the products, clinics and practitioners you choose. Our very own Dr Dennis Wolf...

Why celebrity superfans who go under the knife to look like their idol should be wary of any doctor willing to help them

Daily Mirror The decision to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to look like a celebrity idol is a particularly concerning one for many reasons. It is not unusual for a patient to come to me clutching an image of a...

Stubble trouble? Step this way for your Beard Transplant, Sir

Evening Standard Magazine   What’s the first rule of having cosmetic surgery? You don’t talk about cosmetic surgery. At least, that is, if you’re a red-blooded male with a wispy, not-quite-there beard, desperate to fit in among the more...

Facial Fat Transfer – The Organic Lift

Mail Online The old saying goes that at a certain age women have to choose between their face and their figure. Indeed, recent studies show that women over 40 appear younger if they are heavier. That’s bad tpc_news for...

Cosmetic surgery: Expert advice on what to do before you go under the knife

Daily Record MORE OF us than ever are looking into having a wee nip and tuck. Whether it’s an augmentation, lift, botox jab or hair transplant, cosmetic surgery has never been more mainstream or more popular. One Scottish clinic saw a...

The cosmetic surgery trends set to be a hit with Scots next year

Daily Record IT started with boob jobs and Botox. Now it seems there’s a cosmetic procedure to perfect every part of the body. More women than ever are willing to pay sky-high sums to go for more extreme forms of nips...

How to stop sweating: Top tips to avoid embarrassing patches this summer

Daily Star We all know that sweating is a natural and normal function of the human body. But for some people it goes beyond getting a bit hot and sticky on the tube. Around two million people in the UK suffer...

Wrinkle Shrinking Injectables? Check Side Effects and Aftercare

The Sun It’s no secret that celebrities use Botox and Fillers to treat their frown lines and wrinkles. Towie Billi Mucklow, 24, recently revealed that she has been having Botox for 2 years. She said “They say that the...

Can you look good without surgery?

Men’s Health With cosmetic surgery on the rise, we explore science’s natural alternatives. Britons’ appetite for sculpting themselves better doesn’t just extend to gymgoers; more and more of us are taking to the knife to beat nature. New data...

The ultimate Oscars makeover: Our writer discovers what it really takes to get red carpet ready as she undergoes wrinkle relaxants, laser facials and a nose job

The Daily Mail How to get your body Red Carpet ready  If your skin is looking amazing and your facial contours are on point, you could opt for invasive procedures such as MicroLipo or a fat transfer to perfect...

The facial that left us ready for the red carpet

GLAMOUR Magazine If you’re looking for a facial for a real impact then it might be time to try an enzyme peel. Be warned: this is not your usual cleanse, exfoliate, face mask drill to twinkly music; it’s a three-step...

The facial that left us ready for the red carpet

GLAMOUR Magazine If you’re looking for a facial for a real impact then it might be time to try an enzyme peel. Be warned: this is not your usual cleanse, exfoliate, face mask drill to twinkly music; it’s a three-step...

Excessive sweating? YOU may be one of the thousands in the UK suffering from hyperhidrosis

Express EXCESSIVE sweating will have seemingly plagued many of us during the recent heatwave, but for some people it happens more severely and can strike at any moment. Known as hyperhidrosis, it is a common condition – affecting two...

Non-surgical face treatments

Channel 4 You’ve seen the experts talk on 10 Years Younger and How To Look Good Naked. In our comprehensive guide to non-surgical face treatments, find out how Botox, chemical peels,microdermabrasion and other types of non-surgical face treatments work and if they...

The Plastic Wives

Daily Express The Plastic Wives. There is no law preventing Britain’s estimated 600 cosmetic surgeons from operating on loved ones although the General Medical Council advises doctors and surgeons to avoid giving medical care to anyone with whom they...

The Private Clinic – In the Spotlight In The Spotlight – The Private Clinic Keeping up appearances in the workplace is now evermore important for the male gender. More men than ever-40% increase in last ten years, are opting for both invasive and non-invasive surgery looking to...

Tried & Tested: VASER Liposuction

Harper’s Bazaar My knees have always been a slight bane of my life. My ankles and wrists are slim enough, and the rest of my body is a matter for negotiation between me, my carb craving and Pilates HQ...