Procedures that complement a facelift
A facelift procedure provides many benefits such as softening deep creases and wrinkles as well as tightening loose skin to give an overall more refreshed and lifted appearance. For some patients however, a facelift is just the start in order for them to achieve their final goals. There are a variety of procedures available that are perfect to help complement a facelift which can either be performed at the same time, as part of your treatment plan or as a continued effort to help maintain the final results of your facelift.
The neck is often forgotten when it comes to anti-ageing treatments and as a result will often stand out alongside your newly rejuvenated face, in some cases providing others with a clue that you have may have had a plastic surgery procedure.
A necklift combined with a facelift will help to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles that appear around the neck as well as removing any excess skin or fat giving your neck a smoother and more defined look.
A blepharoplasty or an eyelid lift/eye bag removal procedure is another great procedure to complement a facelift as it will often target the lines and wrinkles that are not reduced by a facelift alone.
A blepharoplasty can be performed at the same time as a facelift (and necklift) to give an overall complete facial rejuvenation procedure. The procedure involves removing excess tissue from around the eyes which can cause your eyes to look tired and sad. The result is eyes that are more youthful looking but still natural and when performed by an experienced surgeon.
Fat Transfer
Fat transfer or fat repositioning on the face is a great complementary procedure to a facelift. A facelift is great at lifting the skin and reducing wrinkles but it is not always able to restore the sunken appearance that can develop as we begin to age and areas such as the mid-face, cheeks and chin can lose volume.
Fat transfer to the face is known as The Organic Facelift as it utilises your own fat tissue from another part of your body such as the thighs or abdomen and it is then injected back into your face where volume-loss has occurred. Fat transfer can often be performed at the same time as facelift surgery as part of a complete facial rejuvenation procedure.
Non-Surgical Facelift Treatments
There are of course lots of non-surgical treatments that are perfect complementary treatments to a facelift such as;
Dermal Fillers
Dermal filler treatment helps to add volume to the face and soften wrinkles. Dermal filler can be used in a number of areas such as; nasolabial folds, cheeks, glabellar lines, lips, tear trough and for nose or chin reshaping. This treatment is a great way to either enhance your facelift procedure or to maintain the results as your face will still continue to age post-surgery.
Wrinkle Injections
Wrinkle injections or botox as it is more commonly known is another great way to help treat the areas that a facelift does not. Whereas a facelift generally tends to focus on the mid-face, wrinkle injections can smooth lines and wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes which will give you a more youthful and well-rested appearance.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
A facelift may help to improve loosening muscle and excess skin but if the quality of your skin is experiencing issues then these will continue to remain post-surgery. Laser skin resurfacing is one of the most innovative ways to rejuvenate damaged skin and tackle signs of ageing such as brown spots and pigmentation. At The Private Clinic we offer three different types of treatments which allows us to create a tailored experience to suit your skin’s needs and achieve the best possible outcome.
Make the most of your facelift by pairing it with our non-surgical treatment options to help keep your skin in the best quality. Our expert skin therapists will be able to create a treatment plan to work with you to help maintain the results achieved following your facelift procedure.
The Private Clinic
During your facelift consultation, our expert surgeon will be able to discuss if any complementary procedures would benefit you to help you achieve your desired result. For some, additional surgery may not be necessary and just good skin care following surgery may be advised but for others they may need to have realistic expectations of what to expect.
Facelift Surgeons at The Private Clinic
- Mr Roberto Uccellini, MD. GMC Number 7416337
- Mr Davood Fallahdar, BSc, MB ChB(Hons), MD FRCS(Plast), MicroSurg (Hons), ORL H&NSurg. GMC Number: 4686602
- Mr Dario Rochira, BS, MD. GMC Number: 6130664
- Mr Navid Jallali, BSc, MB ChB(Hons), MD FRCS, MicroSurg(Hons), ORL H&NSurg. GMC Number: 4686602
- Mr Adel Fattah, FRCS(Plast). GMC Number: 4764599 in
- Mr Mrinal Supriya FRCS, (OTOL-HNS), GMC Number: 6066458
At The Private Clinic, it is always our goal to provide natural-looking results for our patients so that you can go away with no one necessarily knowing you may have had surgery but will instead complement you on how well you look. With our selection of surgical and non-surgical procedures, we can help you achieve the best results.
To find out more about facelifts and what complementary procedures are available, please call 0333 920 2471 or use our online contact form to request a call back.