- Male Chest Reduction including gynecomastia surgery or liposuction to help reduce excess fat on the male chest
- The Private Clinic’s doctors have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating Gynaecomastia
- 0% Finance Available
What’s on this page
- About Gynaecomastia Treatment
- Gynaecomastia Before & Afters
- What to Expect
- Gynaecomastia FAQs
- Gynaecomastia Clinics
- Things to Consider
- Gynaecomastia Patient Stories
- Why the Private Clinic
- Meet the Surgeons
- Related Blogs & News
Medically reviewed by Lorcan Sheppard BSc MBBS FRCA, Chief Medical Officer for The Private Clinic of Harley Street, London.
Last Reviewed July 16th 2024
Related Cosmetic Surgery
Male Chest Reduction / Gynaecomastia
Breast fat can be very hard to shift, even if a weight loss plan has worked for the rest of the body, and the resulting ‘man boobs’ can cause embarrassment and can undermine confidence. The good news is there are safe, effective ways to tackle this problem, depending on your needs and the results you’re looking to achieve.
Over 35% of our liposuction patients are male, with the chest being one of the most common problem areas.
Male Chest Reduction / Gynaecomastia surgery consultations can take place in our clinics in London Harley Street, Birmingham, and Northampton
What is gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia or Gynecomastia is more commonly known as man boobs – affects around 30% of adult men in the UK and is caused when excess fat develops in a man’s breast area which can result in an enlarged breast appearing and/or puffy nipples or pointed nipples.
Many young individuals develop gynecomastia using drugs for bodybuilding in the gym and some require male breast reduction after weight loss. The Private Clinic offers a range of male breast reduction treatments including gynecomastia surgery to help reduce excess fat on the male chest. These include both non-invasive Lipo – VASER Liposuction, MicroLipo and Surgical Liposuction.
Each patient has to be evaluated individually to see what’s best for him; his medical history has to be evaluated and an ultrasound scan should be performed in certain cases to rule out any lumps or malignancies which, although extremely rare, can still occur even in male breast tissue.
Massive weight loss patients may require a more complex procedure which is similar to a female breast reduction with skin incisions and scars.
“My man boobs were always a problem and I felt embarrassed in the changing rooms after going to the gym. I had a fit body and good physique but with breasts! I had Vaser Lipo and after reduced bruising and swelling the results look impressive! I would recommend it to anyone!”
Male Chest Reduction/ Gynaecomastia Removal treatment at a glance
Procedure Time
1 – 2 hours
Hospital Stay
Day case / Overnight
Back to work
1 week
1 week after dressing removal
Anaesthetic Type
Local with sedation or general
Up & Mobile
4-5 days depend of the wound
24-48 hours
6 weeks
6 weeks
Sexual Activity
3-4 weeks
Full Recovery Time
6 weeks
Avoid sleeping on stomach for 6 weeks
Support Garments
Chest compression garment for 6 weeks
Final Results
6 months
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Male Chest Reduction Before and After Photos
View our before and after photos to see how we can reduce the appearance of gynecomastia.
What to expect
The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of people placing their trust in us each year. We pride ourselves on being able to offer a personalised service. We have a team of friendly nurses and expert surgeons who understand the importance of this decision and will support you throughout your journey with us.
The Consultation
We have a team of expert plastic surgeons and liposuction doctors who are very experienced in reducing the appearance of gynecomastia. We offer a range of different male chest reduction techniques to suit everyone including vaser liposuction, micro liposuction, and surgical liposuction.
You will start your journey with a consultation where our surgeons or doctors will:
- Discuss the techniques available
- Your medical history
- Your expectations from surgery
- Examine and measure you and note any irregularities
- Recommend the treatment most suited to your needs and to achieve your aims
- Detail the risks and complications of male chest reduction surgery
- Go through the aftercare and recovery process
You will then be allocated a dedicated patient coordinator who will be your point of contact should you wish to go ahead with the procedure.

Pre-Operative Appointment
In the interests of patient safety, all our patients are assessed against our patient selection criteria. Following your male chest reduction consultation your medical history will be reviewed and the pre-operative nurse will advise on pre-operative tests.
Most male chest reduction pre-operative assessments include a blood test, MRSA swabs, urine test and a blood pressure test.
They will also advise you of any precautions you need to take in the days or weeks leading up to your male chest reduction procedure and advise on any medication that you should stop taking before your procedure.

Male Chest Reduction Surgery
You will arrive at the hospital usually an hour ahead of your scheduled surgery time. The time taken for surgery and the type of anaesthesia used will vary from patient to patient depending on the technique used.
On arrival:
- The nursing team will record your blood pressure and prep you for surgery.
- You will meet with the surgeon or liposuction doctor who will go through the procedure again and answer any questions.
- Pre-operative photos will be taken.
- Your chest will be marked up ready for surgery.
The Procedure:
There are several techniques that the surgeon or liposuction doctor could use, but generally the operation involves:
Administering either general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic with sedation.
- The surgeon makes an incision around the nipple
- Liposuction is used to suck out excess fatty tissue.
- In the occurrence of excess glandular tissue, this will need to be surgically removed and may require a larger incision.
- Excess skin from the chest is removed.
- The nipple and areola may be relocated to be more in proportion to the chest.
- The incisions are closed with absorbable stitches and tape is put in place to protect them.
- A compression garment may be applied to the area.
- You will then be taken back to your room where you may be required to stay overnight for observation.
- Once the surgeon and nursing team are happy that you are safe you return home, you will be discharged and allowed to leave accompanied by a family member or friend.

After your male chest reduction procedure
When your surgeon discharges you from the hospital you will be given a post-operative instruction sheet explaining what to do and what to avoid doing following your operation. You will also be given details on how to contact us should you feel worried or concerned at any stage of your recovery, we are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
We advise taking at least a week off work to recover from your gynecomastia correction procedure. Exercise can gradually be built up from 2-3 weeks post-surgery, but upper body workouts should be avoided for 6 weeks. You must also continue to wear your compression support garment as advised by your surgeon.
A follow-up appointment with a clinic nurse will be made to check your wounds which usually takes place approximately 4-14 days following your surgical or liposuction procedure. You will then be asked to return to see your surgeon around 6 weeks following your procedure at this stage you should be back to your everyday activities, but your surgeon will be able to advise you on anything that you are unsure of or have questions about.

The Private Clinic have collaborated with Chrysalis Finance to offer 0% finance for our patients.*
*Acceptance is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.
Gynecomastia, more commonly known as man boobs is a common condition that causes the chest tissue to swell and appear larger than normal. The excess tissue can feel rubbery or firm and often extends outwardly from the centre of the nipples affecting either one or both breasts.
Gynecomastia must first be distinguished from other similar conditions such as pseudogynecomastia which can all give the same appearance of an enlarged chest of a male. Pseudogynecomastia can greatly be reduced with weight loss whereas true gynecomastia can only be helped with a surgical procedure.
To find out more about gynecomastia click here to book a consultation with one of our surgeons who will be able to assess your suitability for surgery.
Man Boobs is essentially a slang name or common terminology for an enlarged male chest. The term man boobs seems to have first originated in the early 2000’s quickly gaining popularity and being used in media across the Western world.
It is when excess fat or glandular tissue forms around the male chest which gives the appearance of breasts.
Gynecomastia, or man boobs is a condition that causes an excess of glandular tissue in the male chest which can give the appearance of an enlarged chest. This appearance can often be similar to that of a women’s breast which is how the name ‘man boobs’ was created.
At The Private Clinic, we can treat Man boobs, the best place to start is to book a consultation with one of our surgeons.
Pseudogynecomastia also known as lipomastia is when the appearance of male breasts is because of fatty deposits and not glandular breast tissue. This is most commonly seen in overweight men. Usually a routine of regular exercise and healthy eating will eventually reduce the appearance of Pseudogynecomastia but in some cases the fat can be stubborn and cosmetic surgery such as vaser liposuction may be suitable to help improve the appearance of the chest.
If you are struggling to tell the difference between pseudogynecomastia and true gynecomastia then please contact us to book a male chest reduction appointment with one of our experienced surgeons.
Gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance between the hormones testosterone and oestrogen. When a male lacks testosterone the increase in Oestrogen causes breast tissue to grow. Gynecomastia is common in newborn baby boys, puberty and older age due to the change in hormones. In rare cases gynecomastia can be caused as a side effect from medication, illegal drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, Klinefelter’s syndrome and health abnormalities such as kidney failure or liver disease.
It is best to book a consultation with our Plastic Surgeons to discuss your situation and what can be achieved.
We offer a range of male chest reduction treatments at The Private Clinic to correct the appearance of gynecomastia. Procedures that we offer include; Vaser Liposuction, Micro liposuction and Surgical liposuction / removal.
Once you have had a consultation with one of our expert surgeons, they will be able to recommend the best treatment that is going to help you get your desired results. The decision usually depends on the severity of your condition.
Click here to book an appointment.
Many of our patients at The Private Clinic who visit us for male chest reduction have gone through substantial weight loss in an effort to reduce the appearance of man boobs.
After significant weight loss, your chest fat can completely or mostly disappear which then results in skin that is sagging and stretched in the area. In these circumstances, a more complex male chest reduction procedure will need to be performed. You could require tissue reduction which can entail more prominent incisions.
Unfortunately this is the only way to ensure an optimal chest shape. In the more severe cases, the incisions must be made around the areola border, down to the inframammary line as well as in the breast crease, leaving an inverted T-shape looking scar. This is called the anchor reduction technique, and has commonalities with the female breast reduction procedure, in terms of the incisions and scarring. Your surgeon will advise you on the best possible scar care and by following this you can ensure that your scar will fade gradually over time eventually becoming much lighter and not as visible.
In Vaser Lipo treatments, fat is liquefied and removed from the body through a gentle suction process.
MicroLipo utilises a similar process but uses micro cannulas to minimise disruption to the body and does not use Vaser probes to break down the fat.
Far less invasive than traditional liposuction, Vaser Lipo and MicroLipo are walk-in walk-out procedures which don’t require hospital stays or long times away from work or sports activities. The results are very soft and natural looking. Both procedures are typically performed under local anaesthetic and sometimes with sedation.
Surgical liposuction is slightly more invasive compared to Vaser and MicoLipo. The procedure takes place under general anaesthetic and involves the surgeon making a small incision in the area being treated before applying a thin plastic tube called a cannula. A powerful vacuum device on one side of the cannula is then used to remove fat quickly and efficiently.
If you require surgical excision, this is usually performed under general anaesthetic and involves the surgeon removing excess glandular tissue from the male chest. Liposuction can also be used to reduce any excess fat and excess skin can also be removed if needed.
To find out more about the treatments what we have to offer for male chest reduction or to book a consultation click here.
You will not feel pain during your male chest reduction procedure. Before the procedure starts you will have either local or general anaesthetic depending on the severity of your procedure.
Micro Liposuction and Vaser Liposuction at The Private Clinic are most commonly performed under a local anaesthetic. You should remain pain-free during your procedure with minimal discomfort.
Surgical Liposuction or Excision surgery is often performed under general anaesthetic so no discomfort or pain will be felt for the procedure.
You will be prescribed painkillers after your male chest reduction procedure which will help you during your recovery period so any pain should be minimal.
Scars after male chest reduction surgery will vary depending on which procedure you had. For those treated with Vaser Liposuction or Micro-Lipo then you will have small 3 mm scars at the incision sites on the chest and underarm areas but these do not require stitches and will heal and gradually fade over time. A surgical gynecomastia correction may involve some scarring around the nipple and in more severe cases the incision may run down the chest area when excess tissue or skin needs to be removed but this is rare. The best option is to come in and discuss your case with a Cosmetic Surgeon who will be able to advise on the best options for you.
The length of time that you need to wear a compression garment after male reduction surgery will vary between patients and the procedure that they had. In most cases, it will be recommended that you wear the garment at all times for 6 weeks and then during the day for a further 3 weeks but this will be confirmed by your surgeon in their aftercare plan. A compression garment helps to control swelling, prevents seromas, stimulates blood flow and allows for skin contraction promoting better healing. Many patients keep their compression garments to wear as they wish in the future.
We advise taking at least a week off to recover from your gynecomastia procedure. Depending on the nature of your job role, you may need to take an additional week as you will need to avoid heavy lifting and stretching for the first few weeks of recovery.
If the glandular breast tissue has been removed then it is unlikely to return. This is the same with fat cells however the only way to ensure that other fat cells do not expand and your results are maintained is by following a healthy diet and exercise plan.
We recommend that vigorous exercise and heavy lifting is avoided for 6 weeks post-procedure. If you start exercising too soon after your procedure then you can increase your risk for post-op complications such as swelling, pain and in severe cases hematoma so it is best to listen to your surgeon’s advice.
You are encouraged to be active after gynecomastia correction procedures so walking around and light gentle exercise should be fine in the week following surgery. Light cardio workouts could then start to be carried out 2 weeks post-surgery and you can start to ease yourself back into your gym routine again 3 weeks post-op. We do advise that upper body workouts are still then avoided for 6 weeks unless your surgeon has advised otherwise.
Full post-op care advice will be discussed with you at your consultation and after your procedure before you return home. Click here to book a consultation with one of our expert male chest reduction surgeons.
As always there are risks involved with any procedure, but at The Private Clinic, our medical team’s experience ensures these are kept to a minimum and are always explained in full to you during consultation.
There will be some swelling and bruising after the procedure, however, this should subside within a few weeks. We’ll give you a compression garment to wear after your procedure which will help minimise swelling and bruising.
Risks associated with male chest reduction surgery in particular include wound infection, seroma, temporary numbness and scarring. Your surgeon will discuss the risks in full during your consultation to ensure you are fully informed before deciding to go ahead with your procedure.
We offer free male chest reduction phone and video consultations with our experienced patient coordinators.
Our patient coordinators can provide information on the procedures we offer and the best male chest reduction surgeons that will suit your requirements.
To secure your timed consultation slot, we do require a £25 deposit but this is refunded in full once the consultation takes place. You will be able to change your appointment time up to 48 hours before.
Contact us to book your free phone or video consultation.
Male chest reduction procedures are cosmetic surgery and the decision to undergo surgery should be a decision that you have made and feel comfortable and confident with. Our surgeons at The Private Clinic are highly experienced in male chest reduction and will be able to leave you feeling well informed about your options after your consultation.
Many men choose to have male chest reduction as they are feeling self-conscious of the appearance of their chest especially men who are following a healthy lifestyle and their efforts at weight loss have not made an impact on their chest.
To find out more about male chest reduction procedures click here to book a consultation.
On average male chest reduction procedures can take between 1 – 2 hours to complete. These timings will vary however depending on what type of procedure you are having, the amount of tissue/fat that you are having removed and they type of anaesthetic being used.
After your consultation at The Private Clinic, your surgeon will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment for you. Once you have decided to go ahead, full details about the procedure including the length of time it is estimated to take will be provided to you. To find out more about male chest reduction procedures click here to book a consultation.
Once you have had a male chest reduction procedure at The Private Clinic, you will certainly be able to see the initial results straight away. It is important to remember however that you will have to go through some healing time where swelling may be present. Your final results are best seen 6 months after the procedure once you are fully healed.
The Private Clinic sees over 15,000 new patients every year and perform over 10,000 procedures, with one of the highest patients’ satisfaction in the sector, Trustpilot 5 star rating, 98% would recommend us to their friends and family.
The Private Clinic prides itself on its commitment to Medical Expertise, Patient Care and Satisfaction, Honest advice and most importantly Results. We are above all committed to quality. For more information about The Private Clinic, our experience and medical expertise click here.
Male Chest Reduction cost can be part of your decision to undergo a procedure but it should never be the deciding factor. Gynaecomastia surgical excision & liposuction costs start from £7,460
Consultations with our experts are £100 at our clinics in London Harley Street, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
We also offer consultations with our highly experienced Patient Coordinators which require a £25 refundable deposit to secure your place. These are available in Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
Patient coordinators are able to offer you all the information you require prior to meeting a liposuction doctor or plastic surgeon.
All consultations at our London Harley Street clinic are with a surgeon.
Choosing the right clinic for your male chest reduction surgery can be difficult.
You should make sure that the clinic only offers board-certified surgeons who have had several years of experience in the procedure. It’s also important to verify that the clinic or hospital provider is registered with the CQC (Care Quality Commission) which is the independent regular of health and social care services within England.
A good way to get an idea of what you can expect your results to look like is to take a look at a range of before and after photos from your selected clinic and/or surgeon. It is also important to read through patient reviews as these can also give you a good indication of what experience and results you can anticipate.
Our male chest reduction page is a great way to find out more about the procedure and our surgeons. We also have a gallery of male chest reduction before and after photos and we encourage you to look through our patient reviews too.
We are also pleased to be able to showcase a Male Chest Reduction story, from our patient Alex, who discusses his procedure journey and comments on his results!
To find out more or to book a consultation click here.
Puffy or pointed nipples could be caused by a number of factors.
When referring to puffy nipples, you are more likely to be talking about the entire areola area of the breast or male chest. An excess in fat or glandular tissue can cause swelling of the area which gives the puffy appearance.
Conditions such as gynecomastia and tuberous breasts can cause the appearance of puffy or pointed nipples in men and women.
- Find out more about Gynecomastia treatment here.
- Find out more about Tuberous Breast Correction here.
Large nipples can also cause the appearance of a puffy or pointed nipple in men or women. Nipple reduction surgery can help to reduce the size of the nipple so that it is more in proportion to the rest of your chest or breast. Find out more about nipple reduction surgery here.
MALE CHEST REDUCTION is Available in these Clinics
Things to Consider
Our advice on what to consider when deciding to have a chest reduction (Gynaecomastia) procedure:
1. When choosing a clinic, you should always do your research, and only go to an established, reputable clinic.
The Private Clinic has been in the cosmetic surgery industry for over 40 years. We are here to answer all of your questions and give you peace of mind.
2. When choosing a surgeon, make sure you know who you’ll be seeing. Their expertise, qualifications and patient satisfaction rate are important factors to take into consideration.
At The Private Clinic, we only source the most experienced and specialised surgeons. Find out more about our plastic surgeons here.
3. Price should never be the deciding factor when choosing where to have your treatment. Safety should be your number one priority and feeling confident that they will look after you – not only before, but also after your procedure
4. When it sounds too good to be true, it often is. Always find out what your clinic’s reputation is.
Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound shape.
Male Chest REduction Patient Stories
Outstanding care, patient satisfaction and results mean everything to The Private Clinic Team
Why Choose The Private Clinic
- The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of patients placing their trust in us each year.
- Expert Plastic surgeons who are very knowledgeable in Gynaecomastia and male chest reduction surgery.
- Dedicated care with your expert surgeon and nursing team, and a 24 hour help line.
- We have state of the art hospital facilities.
- Competitively priced for our expertise and experience.
- 0% Finance Available
- As many post-operative care appointments with your surgeon, doctor and nursing team as required.
- 5 Star Trustpilot Rating.
- Find out more about Gynaecomastia and Male Chest Reduction Surgery in our informative blogs.

Meet our Gynaecomastia Surgeons
We have a dedicated Plastic Surgeon and medical team who will be with you throughout your journey.
At The Private Clinic, Male chest reduction is performed by some of the UK’s top consultant plastic surgeons who have decades of experience.