How to remove Belly Fat

Belly fat is a common concern, with many aspiring to achieve a flatter and smoother stomach. Belly fat is typically caused by an excess of high-calorie foods and drinks, but it can also be caused by lack of activity, lack of sleep and stress. Abdominal fat in particular is often made up of two types,… Continue reading How to remove Belly Fat

CoolSculpting for the Double Chin

Fat under the chin is known as submental fat or a double chin. Fat in this area is very common and you don’t have to be overweight to experience it. Many people are genetically prone to developing a double chin as having looser skin may run in the family. When skin loses its elasticity it… Continue reading CoolSculpting for the Double Chin

What are “Daddy Do-Overs”?

Mommy makeovers are a popular procedure among women typically after pregnancy as they want to get their bodies back to how they looked before pregnancy. Mommy makeovers typically involve a combination of procedures such as liposuction, breast lift and tummy tuck. Now, there has been a rise in men who want to undergo different procedures… Continue reading What are “Daddy Do-Overs”?

Brilliant ways to tackle wrinkles and sagging skin without surgery

Going through life we frown, smile and laugh. It’s natural for our bodies to manifest a physical reaction to our emotions and surroundings. However, by doing so, we encourage the appearance of fine lines and dynamic wrinkles. Additionally, with age, our collagen and elastin production lessens while we naturally start losing fat around our face. Combined, these can lead… Continue reading Brilliant ways to tackle wrinkles and sagging skin without surgery

Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical

Ageing happens to us all. It isn’t something to be ashamed of,  nor is it anything that we need to stop. However, if you find the effects of ageing are taking their toll on your confidence, you may be considering your cosmetic options. Surgery is a huge consideration and should always be something you take… Continue reading Anti-Ageing: Surgical Vs Non-Surgical

Four non-surgical alternatives to a facelift

We all wish we could turn back time (physically, at least). But not everyone is ready for or willing to undergo extensive surgery in order to achieve the feat. A recent example is Judy Murray, the mother of UK tennis player Andy Murray, who revealed how she has taken advantage of a non-surgical facelift to… Continue reading Four non-surgical alternatives to a facelift

Cosmetic Treatments Around the World & What Is Popular Where

Over the past week, the Guardian’s Tehran bureau has reported on the growing trend for nose reshaping surgery, more commonly referred to as ‘nose jobs’ or more clinically as rhinoplasty. As many as 200,000 Iranians a year are getting nose jobs, it is being reported, and at a rate 7 times that of the US.… Continue reading Cosmetic Treatments Around the World & What Is Popular Where