How does breast reduction treatment work?

Growing up, there is no gurantee on what your breast size may be. Many seek larger breasts which is often influenced by the idea of the perfect female body as portrayed in the media. However having large breasts is not always ideal and many women find themselves wishing they had a smaller bust. Larger breasts… Continue reading How does breast reduction treatment work?

Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?

We explain the difference between a Breast Lift and Breast Implants, and explore what each treatment is suitable for. If you’re considering breast surgery, it can be confusing to know exactly what you require. The most commonly performed treatment in the UK is surgical breast augmentation, but that doesn’t mean it has to be your… Continue reading Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?

Against all odds: Cosmetic Surgery boost in figures

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) have released the figures for the number of cosmetic procedures in the UK, and despite the recent PIP scandal in 2012, figures have shown an impressive 17% overall increase on average (a significant increase that has not been seen since before the 2008 recession), with over 50,000… Continue reading Against all odds: Cosmetic Surgery boost in figures

Cosmetic Treatments Around the World & What Is Popular Where

Over the past week, the Guardian’s Tehran bureau has reported on the growing trend for nose reshaping surgery, more commonly referred to as ‘nose jobs’ or more clinically as rhinoplasty. As many as 200,000 Iranians a year are getting nose jobs, it is being reported, and at a rate 7 times that of the US.… Continue reading Cosmetic Treatments Around the World & What Is Popular Where