Laying down the facts about Vaser Liposuction


Here at The Private Clinic we pride ourselves on being one of the UK’s leading providers of Vaser Liposuction with our team of some of the most sought after VASER liposuction doctors performing over 11,000 Liposuction treatments. We have performed more vaser liposuction procedures than any other cosmetic surgery group in the UK to date.
As with most treatments and procedures, there are always a few myths and misconceptions all of which can be discussed and cleared up in a consultation with your doctor, but we are going to discuss some of the more frequently questioned ones right now to allow you to make a more informed decision in choosing the right treatment for you – because it’s your body.
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Vaser Liposuction is suitable for anyone

Essentially yes, but there are a lot of conditions that you will need to meet in order to be the perfect candidate for liposuction – these include;
Weight – It is not safe for large amounts of fat to be removed in one treatment so we like patients to be at their ideal target weight before considering treatment.
Skin – The better condition your skin is in, the better the result you will achieve. Good elasticity means your skin will be less likely to sag. If you already have sagging skin then a surgical procedure to remove this may be more suited to you.
Smoking  – If you smoke you are more likely to have complications during your recovery process including increased healing time and infections.
Good Health – Before having treatment a full medical check is carried out to rule out any potential complications during or after the procedure. Similarly, if you are feeling unwell in the lead up to your procedure you should inform your doctor as your surgery may need to be postponed to another date when you are feeling better.
To find out more about being a good candidate for Vaser Liposuction see our previous blog post here

You won’t gain fat again in the future

Although Vaser Liposuction does remove fat, a healthy body still needs a layer of fat cells so some will still remain in the area. As a result – if you put on weight after your procedure then the fat cells in the areas treated are just as likely to expand along with areas that have not been treated.
We recommend that you maintain a healthy weight after having the procedure to avoid losing the results of your vaser liposuction treatment.

Vaser Liposuction can get rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is made up of underlying fat deposits that push through the connective tissue beneath the skin causing a dimpled or ‘orange peel’ appearance to the skin.
As a rule, Vaser Liposuction is not designed to remove cellulite however some patients have noticed an improvement in the appearance of it. We are unable to guarantee such results and if this is the main reason why you are considering Vaser Liposuction then an alternative treatment such as Mesotherapy or Body Ballancer may be more suitable for you.
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Vaser Liposuction can be performed anywhere

Vaser Liposuction can be performed on a variety of areas of the body suffering from areas of stubborn fat. Popular areas include;

To find out more about what body areas Vaser liposuction is suitable for see our ‘What areas of my body can vaser liposuction target’ blog post.

The Private Clinic

The Private Clinic is an accredited European Advanced VASER Training Centre, and in 2008 we launched VASER Hi-Def in the UK. We are renowned for setting high standards in the Cosmetic Industry and we address every possible measure to ensure patient safety and satisfaction. Your safety and results depend on your surgeon’s experience – all of our expert surgeons have perfected the skills and techniques in their fields of expertise, and you can rest assured that you will be seen and treated by one of the top doctors in the industry.

  • Consultations with specialist surgeons.
  • 24-hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
  • As many post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon, doctor and nursing team as required.
  • One year cover for all surgical, hospital and nursing care, in case of any medical issue giving you peace of mind*.
  • Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way
  • Highly experienced surgeons and doctors who have years of experience in vaser liposuction.
  • Outstanding hospital facilities.
  • Competitively priced for our expertise and experience.
  • With over 35 years’ experience of Cosmetic medical Excellence, you are in safe hands.
  • Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound shape.
  • View our before and after photo gallery

The expert surgeons at The Private Clinic are:

Consultations for vaser liposuction are available in London Harley Street, BirminghamManchester, Leeds and Northampton.
Find out more about vaser liposuction at The Private Clinic by calling 03339209135 or using our online vaser lipo contact form.