Knee Liposuction


Knees are one of the least liked areas of the legs for many as fat deposits can be stored around the knee caps impacting the overall look of the legs. Excess fat around the knees can be a result of weight gain, skin laxity or genetics. In this blog post, we will be covering everything you need to know about knee liposuction from the procedure to the final results.
knee liposuction UK

What is Knee Liposuction?

Fat can be collected creating a fold around knee caps (patella). The fat stored in this area can be difficult to remove even after exercising and dieting and can give a thickened look to the legs.
Vaser Liposuction is an effective way to remove the stubborn fat deposited around the knees providing a more contoured look to the knees which will have an impact on the overall look of the legs. Vaser Liposuction is a body contouring procedure performed under local anaesthetic that uses ultrasound technology to target and breaks down the fat cells to then suction and removes them.
Micro Liposuction is another option available to remove the excess fat and tissue around the knees as this procedure is ideal to target smaller areas of the body. Micro Liposuction follows the same technique as Vaser Liposuction, the main difference is that smaller cannulas are used being 0.9mm wide and the largest 3mm.

What happens during a Knee Liposuction procedure?

Firstly the surgeon will start by marking the areas that will be treated while you are standing. Then you will be asked to lie on the bed and the local anaesthetic will be applied to the treatment areas. Sedation may be required but your surgeon will let you know during consultation.
The procedure will start by performing micro incisions around the areas of treatment, a small probe that emits ultrasound energy is then inserted to locate and break down the fat. A small cannula is also used to suction and remove the excess fat collected. Once the surgery is completed you will be required to put on a compression garment.

What is the recovery like after knee liposuction?

The downtime after Vaser Liposuction on the knees is relatively quick.  At The Private Clinic, we recommend taking up to 2-5 days off work. Since there may be some swelling and bruising it’s recommended that patients wait a period of minimum two weeks before you can light exercise (swimming, walking uphill or cycling) and for strenuous exercise such as gym workouts wait around 4-5 weeks.
For Micro-liposuction the downtime is less, patients can get back to their day to day activities almost immediately. Some patients are able to resume work within 48 hours and start exercising after 7 days post procedure.

When will I see the results?

Patients are able to see the results right after the procedure; however, is not after the 5-6 week period that the final results are seen.
knee liposuction before after photo

How long do the results last for?

The results can last as long as the weight is maintained.
This is why it’s highly recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain the weight and help the results last longer. Regular exercise can also help tone as well as enhance the final results.

Why should I choose The Private Clinic?

The Private Clinic’s areas of excellence are liposuction and body contouring procedures. We have carried out over 7,000 liposuction treatments and offer a multi-award-winning range of treatments all tailored to the needs and goals of our patients. We work with highly acclaimed liposuction doctors who are pioneers in their field. Because we have a range of liposuction procedures this means we do not rely on one type. We will only ever advise you on the most suitable form of liposuction tailored for your shape and taking into account what you are looking to achieve.
Other benefits include:

  • 24-hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
  • As many post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon, doctor and nursing team as required.
  • One year cover for all surgical, hospital and nursing care, in case of any medical issue.
  • Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way
  • Highly experienced surgeons and doctors who have years of experience performing liposuction and body contouring procedures.
  • State of the art hospital facilities.
  • Competitively priced.
  • Excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care.
  • View our vaser liposuction before and after photos
  • View our micro lipo before and after photos
  • Read our extensive vaser lipo FAQs
  • Find out more in our liposuction blogs

Our clinics are located in; LondonBirmingham,  Manchester and Leeds with consultations also available at Northampton and Milton Keynes,
To arrange a liposuction consultation with one of our renowned specialists at any of our clinics, please call us on 0333 920 2471 or visit our use our online liposuction contact form.