Leeds Varicose Vein Clinic near Me

Our state of the art varicose veins clinic in Leeds provides all patients with premium standards of treatment and care. All of our varicose vein and thread vein procedures are performed in our private clinic on Park Square. Our team of dedicated vascular surgeons and nurses will ensure you are comfortable throughout your procedure and… Continue reading Leeds Varicose Vein Clinic near Me

How to get rid of thread veins

What are thread veins? Thread veins are medically known as telangiectasia but many people also refer to them as spider veins. Thread veins are very small blood vessels located just beneath the skin that have become dilated and visible. Thread veins can be red, purple or blue in colour and appear as thin lines that… Continue reading How to get rid of thread veins

Vaser Liposuction in Turkey

Vaser liposuction is a fat reduction procedure that uses targeted ultrasound technology to selectively remove fat whilst helping to reshape and contour the body. Vaser liposuction is usually performed under local anaesthetic with sedation and it is suitable for many areas of the body including; Chin & Neck Arms/Bingo Wings Male Chest Reduction Back Abdomen/Tummy… Continue reading Vaser Liposuction in Turkey

CoolSculpting for the Double Chin

Fat under the chin is known as submental fat or a double chin. Fat in this area is very common and you don’t have to be overweight to experience it. Many people are genetically prone to developing a double chin as having looser skin may run in the family. When skin loses its elasticity it… Continue reading CoolSculpting for the Double Chin

What is a breast uplift?

What is a breast uplift? A breast uplift, mastopexy or breast lift as it may also be referred to, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to lift the breast into a higher position on the chest. This is usually achieved by removing any loose skin from the breasts so then the breast can be tightened… Continue reading What is a breast uplift?

Breast Implant Before and After Photos UK

Breast enlargement surgery is a great procedure for patients who wish to increase the size of their breasts, often to make them more in proportion to the rest of her body. When it comes to researching the surgery and surgeons that perform it, you will most likely come across before and after photos showing patients… Continue reading Breast Implant Before and After Photos UK

CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Manchester & Leeds

The Private Clinic are excited to launch CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in clinics in Manchester & Leeds. We are always keen to keep up with the latest technologies in weight loss and look forward to offering this latest treatment for our patients looking for non-surgical fat removal. What is CoolSculpting Fat Freezing? CoolSculpting is a non-invasive… Continue reading CoolSculpting Fat Freezing in Manchester & Leeds

What’s right for you? Liposuction or Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks, also known as abdominoplasty, and liposuction procedures are some of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. Although they are popular procedures many aren’t aware of the key differences between them. In this blog, we will cover the key differences between both procedures. What is Liposuction and Tummy Tucks For? Liposuction and Vaser Liposuction are… Continue reading What’s right for you? Liposuction or Tummy Tuck

What is a Breast Auto Augmentation

One of the biggest concerns following an implant removal is drooping of the breast or loss of volume particular in the upper portion of the breast. This can often cause patients to avoid breast implant removal surgery or seek implant replacement which may not be what they want. It is always hard to tell what… Continue reading What is a Breast Auto Augmentation

5 Top Cosmetic Treatments for those wanting to avoid the downtime

Time is precious and we are seeing an increase in patients now who do not want the downtime that is associated with many surgical procedures. Non-surgical treatments are a great alternative and can often give long-lasting results with limited downtime to suit even the busiest of patients. One Stitch Facelift & Temporal Facelift Traditional facelift… Continue reading 5 Top Cosmetic Treatments for those wanting to avoid the downtime