Vaser Liposuction Following Childbirth


Having children can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life but that doesn’t stop many mums feeling unhappy with the shape of their bodies after the birth of their child.
Endless photos of flat tummy celebrities who have only recently had children, grace magazines, social media, newspapers and TV almost daily, making the reality of ever shifting that post-baby tum seem impossible!
Pregnancy can take your body through a whirlwind of changes from rapid weight gain to the quick loss following child birth along with the stretched skin in between can leave your body looking a little different to how it may have been prior to pregnancy.
One of the most common complaints from women following childbirth is excess fat left on their stomach which no amounts of exercise has been able to shift. Because of the small area, many women turn to liposuction in particular to help reduce this stubborn area of fat but this is not always the best option.
Liposuction can be a very effective treatment for reducing excess fat from the body but following childbirth, the muscles of a woman’s stomach can become stretched and separated which is known as diastasis recti.
Diastasis recti, or rectus abdominis diastasi is when the rectus abdominis muscles in your abdomen separate during pregnancy. These muscles can heal and come back together following childbirth usually within 3 months but in some cases they will stay stretched which leaves a gap in your abdomen often causing your stomach to stick out.
An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedure is the best way to treat the abdomen as a whole. The muscles within the stomach can be repaired as well as any excess fat or skin reduced at the same time.
If you do not have abdominal separation then liposuction can help to remove the excess fat and vaser liposuction is often one of the best methods as it is a energy assisted lipo technique which uses ultrasound so it can help with skin contraction as the heat can increase collagen production.
When it comes to undergoing cosmetic surgery following childbirth, our surgeons will advise for you to wait for ideally 1 year following childbirth before going ahead with any type of surgery. This is to allow your body to recovery and heal following labour as well as allowing your body to settle. Following childbirth your body will continue to change shape and weight in the months following so it is important to be be at your ideal and maintainable weight before surgery.
Another important factor to consider is your downtime following surgery. Vaser liposuction does allow many patients to be up and about a lot quicker than traditional liposuction but there will still be a period of time where you may benefit from additional help as tasks such as lifting or bathing your child may be a struggle.
Vaser Liposuction at The Private Clinic
The Private Clinic is a training centre for Advanced VASER Lipo. We perform over 1,300 VASER procedures every year. Our Doctors and medical teams are of the most experienced in the country. Click here to find out more about our team.
Our vaser liposuction doctors are:

We pride ourselves on ensuring you have the best quality and most comprehensive care:

  • 24-hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
  • As many post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon, doctor and nursing team as required.
  • One year cover for all surgical, hospital and nursing care, in case of any medical issue giving you peace of mind*.
  • Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way
  • Highly experienced surgeons and doctors who have years of experience in vaser liposuction.
  • Outstanding hospital facilities.
  • Competitively priced for our expertise and experience.
  • Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound shape.
  • Clinics located in London Harley Street, BirminghamLeeds, Manchester and Northampton.
  • View our before and after photo gallery.
  • Read our patient stories.

To find out more about Vaser Liposuction at The Private Clinic click here to view our FAQs or call 0333 920 2471 or click here to book an appointment.