What can a hair transplant do for me? Do hair transplants work

If you’re thinking about a hair transplant, you might be wondering what can be achieved and how, when you would see results, if there is any scarring involved, and if you are suitable for the procedure in the first place. We have you covered on all you need to know, referring to some of the… Continue reading What can a hair transplant do for me? Do hair transplants work

FUE vs. FUT Strip Hair Transplant

Having emerged in the ‘50s, Hair Transplants gradually became more popular and as research and awareness grew, new techniques gradually came to light. At first, large grafts or plugs with many hairs, were removed with a punch machine, but in the ‘80s, Follicular Unit Transplants (FUT) was introduced as the revolutionary hair restoration treatment due to the… Continue reading FUE vs. FUT Strip Hair Transplant

How to find a good clinic for Hair Transplant Surgery

Finding a clinic that offers the best service can often be a daunting task.  It’s even more confusing if you know what you want fixed, but unsure of the treatment options available to you. More importantly, what makes one clinic different from others? and how can you be sure that you will receive the best… Continue reading How to find a good clinic for Hair Transplant Surgery

Brow it like Cara: Eyebrow transplants

Cara Delevigne’s super brows have been shaping beauty and fashion trends since the young supermodel rose to fame in 2011, with many women favouring youthful looking, thick eyebrows over thinner, ageing eyebrows. Over-plucking, hereditary hair loss and ageing all contribute to weak, damaged hair follicles that are unable to produce hair. Our patient, Pernille, plucked her… Continue reading Brow it like Cara: Eyebrow transplants

U-FUE (Unshaven) Hair Transplants available at The Private Clinic

The extra ‘U’ in U- FUE simply stands for unshaven and FUE is an advanced minimally invasive hair transplantation method, favoured over the much more invasive and painful strip (FUT) method. FUE procedures are very popular hair restoration treatments and offer patients the chance to permanently restore hair to balding and thinning areas. While most… Continue reading U-FUE (Unshaven) Hair Transplants available at The Private Clinic