Three laser treatments that will make your life easier

From funky disco lights to optical disk drives, laser technology has proven to be a very useful asset to humanity. In medicine, laser surgery has saved lives by enabling unprecedented precision and that same quality allows for effective specialist laser skin treatments. We’ve picked out the top three procedures that could help you save time… Continue reading Three laser treatments that will make your life easier

Treatment Guide FAQ: Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition. Rosacea is a common rash, typically affecting 40-60 year olds and light skinned people, usually on the face. Rosacea can be diagnosed by a doctor looking at your skin, no tests needed. It is thought to affect up to 1 in 10 people in the UK. What is Rosacea?… Continue reading Treatment Guide FAQ: Rosacea

10 Things You Should Know About Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is a very popular method of permanent hair reduction with women and increasingly with men. Shaving and waxing can take up so much of our time and end up costing a lot more than Laser Hair Removal so why not think about it? Here is our guide to 10 Things You Should… Continue reading 10 Things You Should Know About Laser Hair Removal

Treatment Guide: Sun Damage

Sun damage is often a big factor in prematurely aged skin. People who have spent years without too much concern for the damage the sun may have been having on their skin often come to us to seek ways to improve their skin. The good news is that we can help transform their skin, rejuvenating… Continue reading Treatment Guide: Sun Damage