Why are beard transplants so popular?

Beards are back, and it looks like they are staying! Beards go way back in history with early records indicating that back in Egyptian times, if you were a high-ranking Egyptian then beards were the best way to show this. Many Egyptians dyed, or plaited their beards with gold thread. In ancient India and Turkey,… Continue reading Why are beard transplants so popular?

Why do I need to see a Dermatologist before my Facial Hair Transplant?

Can you imagine Charlie Chaplin’s face being as expressive and iconic without his gloriously bushy brows and mustache? No, neither can we. It wouldn’t make him any less brilliant, but facial hair and the way we style it acts to frame our faces and give them a distinctive look. We receive a lot of interest… Continue reading Why do I need to see a Dermatologist before my Facial Hair Transplant?