Vaser Lipo in Bristol

If you are looking for a way to remove stubborn areas of hat and to reshape your body then our Vaser Liposuction clinic in Bristol is the perfect place to find out more about our vaser lipo offerings and meet with expert surgeon. A consultant cosmetic breast and aesthetic surgeon who specialises in both post-weight… Continue reading Vaser Lipo in Bristol

Vaser Liposuction in Manchester

Losing weight can take a large amount of time dedicated to exercise and dieting but when the results from this are a little less than satisfactory it can really affect your determination to continue. Stubborn areas of fat can be difficult to target but Vaser Liposuction is an ideal solution to help to achieve the… Continue reading Vaser Liposuction in Manchester

VASER Hi-Def: Where the only risk is your choice of surgeon

It’s normal for people to question risks and side effects of a procedure, and seeing as VASER Hi-Def can turn a belly into a six-pack, you may wonder if there’s a catch. We get it – ‘if it looks too good to be true, then it probably is’. But…the fact is that VASER liposuction is considered to… Continue reading VASER Hi-Def: Where the only risk is your choice of surgeon

Are MicroLipo and VASER Liposuction permanent?

Usually performed walk-in walk-out under local anaesthetic, minimally-invasive liposuction options like MicroLipo and VASER are becoming increasingly popular ways to contour the body and shift stubborn fat. The two methods give much more precise results than traditional, surgical liposuction – but do they actually last? The short answer is yes – providing you look after… Continue reading Are MicroLipo and VASER Liposuction permanent?

What type of VASER is best for me?

We’ve all got areas of our body we don’t like; Queen-of-the-curves Kim Kardshian admitted she’s not a fan of her thighs, while Katy Perry once confessed that she wished she had a Kate Moss-esque frame (if that’s not a sign we’re too harsh on ourselves, we don’t know what is!). Perhaps this is why so… Continue reading What type of VASER is best for me?