How much do Rhinoplasty and Septo-Rhinoplasty treatments cost?

With over 3,690 treatments performed in the UK, Rhinoplasty was us Brits’ sixth most popular cosmetic treatment in 2015. The procedure involves the surgical correction and reconstruction of the nose and has several different formats for different results. But what about the price? As with any treatment, there’s not a straightforward answer. The cost of… Continue reading How much do Rhinoplasty and Septo-Rhinoplasty treatments cost?

Recovery after Rhinoplasty

As with any surgical procedure, your recovery after a Rhinoplasty treatment should something you consider a long time before you decide to go ahead. Downtime isn’t as bad as some patients might think, but nose surgery is still a serious operation and should always be treated as such. The first thing to remember is that… Continue reading Recovery after Rhinoplasty