Liposuction Near Me

You have decided to undergo liposuction, and are now searching for a clinic. This is a pivotal decision to make, to feel confident you will attain the best possible patient care and results for you. Here are a couple of top tips when it comes to choosing a provider. How to find the best liposuction… Continue reading Liposuction Near Me

Post-VASER Lipo treatment: MLD massage therapy

If you’ve recently had VASER Liposuction or MicroLipo, you may already see noticeable results. However, you may also experience some slight swelling or bloating. Wearing the recommended compression garment is very important during the post-operative period, but an MLD session is highly recommended to reduce any swelling or accumulation of liquid in the body. What… Continue reading Post-VASER Lipo treatment: MLD massage therapy

VASER Lipo and MicroLipo vs. Traditional Liposuction

Liposuction procedures are on the rise, with recent figures showing a startling 43% increase in the number of procedures carried out across the UK. No two bodies are the same, and there are different types of liposuction methods available to cater for a vast range of people. Liposuction removes unwanted or excessive body fat, to… Continue reading VASER Lipo and MicroLipo vs. Traditional Liposuction