Post-VASER Lipo treatment: MLD massage therapy


If you’ve recently had VASER Liposuction or MicroLipo, you may already see noticeable results. However, you may also experience some slight swelling or bloating. Wearing the recommended compression garment is very important during the post-operative period, but an MLD session is highly recommended to reduce any swelling or accumulation of liquid in the body.

What is MLD?

MLD, or Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage, is a body massage that helps to unblock and drain the lymphatic system. This technique effectively reduces swelling, lumps and bumps, and discomfort that you may experience after VASER treatment, as well as boosting the immune system and reducing toxins. The massage experience is relaxing and should feel like gentle stroking – it should not feel uncomfortable at all. Many patients also report softening of the tissue after treatment.
Usually, your surgeon will recommend the appropriate number of MLD sessions you will need to have and many surgeons encourage as many sessions as possible. The type of VASER LipoSculpture treatment you have had will impact the number of MLD sessions you’ll need, as well as the location on your body:

  • Arms: 3 sessions
  • Abdomen: 5-10 sessions
  • Flanks: 5-10 sessions
  • Outer and inner thighs: 3-5 sessions
  • Chin and face: 3-5 sessions

VASER 4D and Hi-Def patients may require 15-20 sessions.
This treatment is unlike traditional massage techniques and only a registered MLD therapist should carry out treatment. There are a wide range of recovery periods, so the amount of MLD sessions required will vary from person to person. Treatment usually starts within the first 2 weeks, with 3-5 sessions per week for VASER patients, while the regime for VASER Hi Def patients is more rigorous during the first 2 weeks. Exercise and activity level may also impact the amount of sessions you need.
The Private Clinic do not provide MLD sessions, but can certainly point you in the right direction of experienced and qualified practitioners.
The Private Clinic
We are a VASER certified Training Centre and are the European Representatives of the Advanced Body Sculpting Institute in the USA. We are one of very few clinics in the UK that are certified in VASER Hi-Def and VASER 4D, and our VASER specialist, Dr Dennis Wolf,  has years of extensive experience in all VASER Lipo techniques, and has performed over 2500 procedures for The Private Clinic. For more information on VASER Hi-Def and all other VASER LipoSculpture techniques, please visit our page.