A type of surgery aimed to remove excess fat from the abdomen as well as tighten the skin in the tummy area. This procedure is also commonly referred to as tummy tuck or tummy tucks. Depending on the amount of fat to be removed and the laxity of the skin, a smaller procedure may be possible and this is what some physicians refers to as mini tummy tuck.
Sebaceous glands on the skin produce a natural oil called sebum, to keep the skin glowing and smooth. When too much sebum is produced, this creates an ideal environment for a bacterium to grow. This then causes skin inflammation and an eruption, which is commonly called acne.
Scars due to severe acne. Acne Scars can range from deep pits to scars that are more on the surface, of all shapes.
This is a generic term that refers to any type of surgery aimed to improve one’s appearance.
An experienced skin care specialist trained in various treatments to enhance one’s appearance.
Flat, brown discoloration on the skin that results from overexposure to the sun and aging; also called sunspot or liver spot.
Loss of hair; can be caused by genetics, disease, malnutrition, or hormone imbalance.
Anaesthesia means “loss of sensation”. Those medications which cause anaesthesia are called anaesthetics. They are used for pain relief during surgical operations so that the patient doesn’t feel pain or pressure.
Those medications which cause “loss of sensation” are called anaesthetics. They are used during surgical operations for pain relief. There are different types of anaesthetics available, including; (1) Local Anaesthetic – they are used for minor procedures to numb the area where the procedure is taking place; you are conscious but you do not feel any pain (2) General Anaesthetic – used for bigger operations when you need to be unconscious; the anaesthetic stops your brain recognising any signals from your nerves, so you cannot feel anything (3)Sedation – for painful procedures that are otherwise minor. Sedation makes you feel sleepy and relaxes you both physically and mentally.
Anaesthetists are specialist doctors who are trained in anaesthesia. Before your procedure, they will discuss with you what anaesthetic methods are appropriate, any risks or side effects.
As we age, our skin goes through various stages such as reduced skin laxity due to collagen loss, sagging skin, loss of volume and fullness, fine lines, wrinkles, damaged pores and reduced radiance. Anti-ageing treatments are aimed to reverse these signs of ageing.
Antibiotics are very important medicines which help fight infections that are caused by bacteria. They are often prescribed before or after surgery to prevent the risk of any infection.
Any mark or discoloration on the skin.
A blocked nose can cause dry mouth, headache, impaired smell, and recurrent sinusitis. In some people the other unpleasant side effect is snoring. There are a number of drug treatments for a blocked nose, including antihistamine tablets and nose sprays (steroid and anti histamine). But the solution is to remove the mucous that obstructs the airway. This can be achieved with a simple laser treatment under local aesthetic. The patient feels no pain, no dressing is required, there are no nosebleeds, and no time away from work or daily activities.
A product made of Botulinum Toxin, a substance is widely used in cosmetic treatments to cause one’s facial muscles to relax, reducing the appearance of lines, wrinkles or furrows. It can also be used to reduce excessive sweating. Botox is a brand name and refers to a Botulinum product produced by Allergan, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the World. Another well known brand is Azzalure. Babytox is an expression used in reference to injection techniques involving the use of a smaller quantity of product so to provide patients with a more natural, subtle, less frozen appearance.
A surgical procedure to increase breast size and fullness. Also called Boob job or Breast Enlargement. Breast Augmentation usually involves the use of silicone implants and it is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the World and the UK. More recently breast enlargement using the patient’s own fat is becoming more popular.
A more commonly used term referred to a cosmetic procedure aimed at enhancing and enlarging one’s breast size. Women undergoing this procedure do so for many different reasons, often to increase their breasts size, or to restore their shape following breast feeding and pregnancy. Some people call Breast enhancement as Boob jobs or breast augmentation.
Performed in order to increase the size of a woman’s breasts through the use of one’s own fat or breast implants. Also called Boob job or Breast Augmentation.
A two in one procedure that involves liposuction, followed by a breast enlargement procedure involving the use of the patient’s own fat which is then injected into the breasts to add fullness and shape. During the liposuction procedure, stubborn pockets of fat are removed from different areas of the body (commonly the abdomen or the thighs), the fat is then cleaned and processed to create fat grafts to be used for the second part of the procedure. Breast enlargement with fat is ideal for patients who are keen to slim other areas of their body at the same time. For skinny patients this procedure might not be suitable and silicone implants may be a better option.
Also known as reduction mammaplasty, breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to reduce the size of the breasts by removing fat, tissues, and skin. There are minimally-invasive options (such as liposuction to the breasts) for those patients who just want to reduce the size or the weight of their breasts, but are happy with their shape. In case of skin laxity or empty breasts, a reduction together with a breast lift might be required in order to achieve the best cosmetic results.
A surgical or minor surgical procedure to increase the fullness of one’s buttocks. The placement of implants can be used or the patient’s own fat.
A two in one procedure that involves liposuction, usually to the legs and thighs, followed by a buttocks enlargement procedure involving the use of the patient own fat. The fat extracted via liposuction is injected into the buttocks to add fullness. The fat can be taken from other parts of the body also.
A small, hollow tube used during liposuction surgery to remove fat by suction.
A tiny blood vessel that connects an artery to a vein. Sometimes superficial capillary vessels are red or purple and become very visible. They usually can be treated.
A term used to describe an uneven, “orange peel” appearance, or dimpled texture to the skin overlying the fat. Cellulite is a condition which afflicts also slim people and is not known what causes it. Some theories suggest that smoking, a diet high in refined carbohydrates and lack of exercise might be contributing factors. Cellulite appearance can be improved with Mesotherapy or Velashape.
A facial procedure to bring fullness, contour or definition to the cheeks using injectable fillers or fat grafts. Volume from Juvederm is one of the most successful and popular dermal fillers to treat the cheeks are.
A chemical is used to remove the superficial layers of the skin. Chemical peels exist in different strengths. Mild peels can be performed in just a few minutes and have minimum side effects, including mild reddening of the skin. Stronger peels will make the skin dry and eventually flake, revealing a more hydrated and glowing skin. Chemical peels are used to reduce wrinkles, lighten age spots, and in general to rejuvenate the skin for a healthier and refreshed glow.
Collagen is a group of naturally occurring proteins found in animals, especially in the flesh and connective tissues of mammals. Collagen used to be widely used as a cometic filler injected under the skin to smooth wrinkles and lines. However patients now prefers non animal derived fillers like Juvederm and Restylane. Collagen injection have therefore become less and less popular. Restylane and Juvederm consist of hylauronic acid – a substance naturally found in the body – and is injected directly into the skin to replace lost volume and smooth out moderate to severe facial wrinkles.
Aesthetic plastic surgery – also known as Medical aesthetics – refers to a number of techniques and surgical procedures intended for the “enhancement” of the patient’s appearance. Cosmetic surgery is specifically concerned with maintaining normal appearance, restoring it, or enhancing it. The most popular cosmetic surgeries are Abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck”); Blepharoplasty (“eyelid surgery”); Breast augmentations (“breast implant” or “boob job”); Reduction mammoplasty (“breast reduction”); gynecomastia (or “moobs” or male chest Liposuction (“suction lipectomy”), the removal of fat deposits by traditional suction technique or ultrasonic energy to aid fat removal.
Crow’s feet are thin lines that develop at the outside corners of the eyes due to the UV rays (sun exposure), ageing and facial movements. The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate skin on the face and the repeated exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays – and the resultant damage to the skin’s collagen and elastin proteins – can cause it to thin and wrinkle. Botox injections is the most popular cosmetic treatment to address this area.
Eventually the process causes fine lines to form – the so called “crow’s feet”. These are among the first and most prominent wrinkles to form on the face. But the thinning of the skin can also cause dark circles (or “bags”) to form under the eyes, giving people a perpetually tired look.
Botox is a good way to treat crow’s feet and other wrinkles caused by movement of the facial muscles. Laser treatments can also be highly effective, especially laser resurfacing technologies, such as the Pixel and Pearl. Often a combination of different treatments is the best option.
Dermal fillers consist of hylauronic acid – a sugar naturally found in the body. During a dermal fillers treatment, hylauronic acid is injected into the skin to reduce facial lines and wrinkles and to restore plumpness to the lips and cheeks. Results are instant and downtime is minimum. There are many fillers on the market. The best known non permanent dermal fillers include Restylane – which has been used in over 4 million since its launch in 1996 and Juvederm – the first filler to contain anaesthetic to make the treatment more comfortable.
The Derma Roller is a little wheel on a small stick which pushes it back and forth across your face. The wheel (or roller) is covered with minuscule needles that penetrate the skin, creating lots of tiny ‘wounds’. Your skin in response will produce extra collagen in order to ‘heal’ these little punctures. Collagen is what plumps up the skin providing an improvement in the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the face and décolletage. It is also used to treat sun damaged & ageing skin, acne scars. Before treatment, your skin will be numbed with a topical anaesthetic, called EMLA cream, to reduce discomfort.
A nonsurgical technology used to reduce the appearance of fat and cellulite. Endermology uses a series of hot and rolling devices for deep massage, that breaks the fat up.
The outer layer of the skin.
Where one sweats profusely without control. Botox can be used to block the action of the nerves that supply eccrine glands which stops them producing sweat.
The removal of the outside skin layers.
A surgical procedure aimed to rejuvenate the appearance of the face and neck by tightening the skin in those areas. Jowls can be reduced and the jaw line can by restored. Surgeons will remove the excess skin on the face, cheeks and neck. There are a number of different techniques available which ranges from a traditional face lift to options such as Keyhole surgery or Minimal-access cranial suspension (MACS). The latter are less invasive option. Fluid Facelift is a term often used to describe a non invasive alternative to rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck. A fluid facelift involves a combination of fillers and Botox. Results are temporary but there is no downtime and none of the risks associated to surgery. However not everybody can achieve the desired results with just a fluid facelift.
A technique used to correct wrinkles, indentations in the skin, for scarring or for enhancements. The procedure often involves two stages. Firstly the fat is removed from other parts of the body (stubborn pockets of fat), the fat is then cleaned and purified to form a graft. This is then injected into the face (or lips) to add fullness and create a more youthful appearance.
In cosmetics, a fat transfer is used to refer to a two stages procedure where the fat is extracted from stubborn pockets of fat on areas that the patient wants to reduce, in order to be injected it into other areas, such as the face (see “Fat injections”) or the buttocks (see “Buttock Augmentation with Fat Transfer ”) or the breasts (see “Breast Enlargement with Fat Transfer“)
See Dermal Filler.
A combination of non-invasive treatments (including botulinum injections and dermal fillers) to visibly reduce the signs of ageing. Products such as Radiesse®, Sculptra or Voluma and Hyaluronic Acid are used.
An hair transplant technique. FUE is and advanced technique of minimally invasive hair restoration. A special punch less than 1 mm in diameter is used to remove the hair follicles directly from the scalp, without the need of a scalpel. There is no stitches and virtually no scarring. The extracted follicle is then individually placed in the donor area. 3G FUE is a further advanced technique available at The Private Clinic.
General Anaesthetic is a substance administered to induce sleep; sometimes referred to as a “general”. The medications which cause “loss of sensation” are called anaesthetics. They are used during surgical operations for pain relief. There are different types of anaesthetics available, including General Anaesthetic which is used for bigger operations when you need to be unconscious.
The area between the eyebrows and the nose. It is slightly elevated and smooth.
Vertical forehead creases between the eyebrows. Botox or botulinum toxin injections is the most popular non invasive treatment to smooth out so called frown lines.
A fruit acid (AHA) derived from sugar cane, used in superficial and mild chemical peels to rejuvenate skin.
The removal of skin top layers using a fruit acid based peel.
Any living tissue available in the body, for example fat, which is moved from one part of the body to another. A fat graft for example can refer to fat extracted from stubborn areas of the body (abdomen, thighs), purified and cleaned in order to be used in other areas such as the breast (to add volume and definition) or the face (to plum up cheeks or lips).
Gynecomastia is the abnormal development of mammary glands in man resulting in breast enlargement. It is a medical condition sometimes referred to as “Moobs”. Male breast reduction can be achieved via liposuction (“suction lipectomy”), which involves the removal of fat deposits by traditional suction technique or ultrasonic energy to aid fat removal.
A skin organ that produces hair.
A technique that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the scalp (the donor site) to bald or balding parts (the recipient site). There are several different hair transplant techniques, such as the Strip Method which involves cutting a strip of skin and hair at the back of the patient hair. The strip of hair will then be dissected by hair technicians into smaller hair follicle units, which will be transplanted individually at the front (in case of receding hairline) of the crown of the hair. A less invasive technique is called Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE which does not involve cutting a strip at the back. Instead the follicle are extracted individually and transplanted in the donor area.
A naturally occurring substance found throughout the body as well as in most other living organisms. It gives skin its elasticity and provides volume to keep skin youthful. Hyaluronic acid is substantially sugar and is the component of today’s most popular facial fillers, including Juvederm and Restylane. Its most common use is to smooth out wrinkle and lines and restore volume and youth to the face.
Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterised by abnormally increased perspiration, which is more than that required for regulation of body temperature. Hyperhidrosis can sometimes be treated with Botox injections.
Where too much melanin is produced and causes darkening of the skin. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by excessive sun exposure (sun damage) and skin damage including scarring from acne. It can also be caused by pregnancy or become more sever during pregnancy (the condition is called Melasma). This is due to the hormones release during pregnancy which makes the skin more sensitive to exposure to the sun and light.
A substance used to plump up lips or any part of one’s face that has lost volume. Also see dermal filler.
A dermal filler consisting of hyaluronic acid and anaesthetic which provides pain relief during the treatment. This dermal filler is used to restore volume to the face and lips and to smooth out lines and wrinkles. It is suitable for different areas of the face including cheeks, lips, and to fill the folds that run from the nose to the mouth.
Visible exaggerated scars that can develop after surgery, injury, or even after very minor skin damage like acne scars. This type of scar is caused by too much collagen forming while the skin is being repaired. The tendency to develop keloid scars is genetic. The frequency of Keloid Scar occurrence is 15 times higher in highly pigmented people. Persons of African descent are at increased risk of keloid.
A device that emits light. Laser based devices are used for skin resurfacing, hair removal, to remove blemishes or pigmentation, to break fat up for liposuction and a number of skin and body conditions.
The use of a laser technology to precisely remove damaged skin layer by layer. It can be used for anti-ageing, sun damaged skin, pigmentation or rejuvenation.
A technology using light energy to break up fat. One of the best known devices for Laser Lipo is called SmartLipo. Laser lipo isn’t for obese people, or very large people, but for those with stubborn areas of fat on saddlebags, tummies, hips or bingo wings that just won’t go.
Dermal Fillers (temporary or permanent fillers) or Fat Transfer procedure that increases the size and definition of the lips.
See “Liposuction“
See “Liposuction“
The removal of fat lying under the skin with the use of a cannula and vacuum. Liposuction is also called lipoplasty, fat modelling, liposculpture, body contouring, or simply lipo. There are different types of liposuction available included ultrasound assisted liposuction. See Vaser Lipo for more information.
See “Fat Transfer“
An substance injected to numb the area being treated. Also see “anaesthesia” for more information on the different types available.
A substance or pigment that gives skin or hair its colour.
A skin condition that causes brown spots to appear on the face. These patches are not dangerous but more superficial. Also see hyperpigmentation.
Mesotherapy is the brain child of a French physician, Dr. Michel Pistor who devised this treatment in 1952. Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that is widely used in France, Italy and many Europena countries to treat various injuries and medical conditions. It consists of microinjections of a mix of homeopathic medicines, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which are delivered into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin). Among its many applications, Mesotherapy has become a popular treatment for cellulite since more than 90% of women are affected by cellulite. Mesotherapy can reduce cellulite on the legs and buttocks, breaking down the orange-peel appearance of skin. The average patient requires 10 sessions, however some patients may require up to 25.
A minimally invasive fat removal procedure using a technique to swell and firm target areas with very diluted local anaesthesia. The fat is then removed using microcannulas with a diameter less than 3 millimetres. The procedure is less invasive than traditional liposuction and it has less recovery time. Patients don’t need to spend any night in a hospital and they can usually go home few hours after surgery.
A technique using a jet of micro crystals and a vacuum to remove superficial skin cells and damaged skin.
Minimally invasive is a term used to refer to a wide range of procedures which are aimed to improve a patient’s body and face, without the need to undergo a major surgical operation, also known as a plastic surgery procedure. Minimally invasive treatments are more invasive than non invasive treatment (see also “non invasive”) but less invasive than plastic surgery. For example traditional liposuction procedures are more invasive than vaser lipo procedures, as a traditional liposuction procedure requires the use of general anaesthetic, the patient needs to spend one or more nights in the hospital following surgery, and the recovery time is longer and more painful. Possible side effects and complications are also usually greater than with less invasive procedures. As such minimally invasive procedures, like ultrasound assisted liposuction, are becoming more and more popular. At the same time minimally invasive procedures presents some limitations, for example very large patients might not be suitable for a minimally invasive liposuction and may require a more invasive liposuction under general anaesthetic. An experienced doctor should be able to advice what is the most suitable option for each patient.
A benign growth on the skin that is usually pigmented.
Moobs is the abbreviation for ‘man boobs’ or male breasts. See “Gynecomastia” for more information.
The deep crease lines starting from the side of the nostril going down to the corner of the mouth. Also known as smile or laugh lines. Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are very popular treatments for nasolabial lines and folds.
Non invasive is a term used to refer to a wide range of treatments which are aimed to improve a patient’s own appearance, without the need to undergo surgery. Any surgical procedure presents a certain degree of risks and recovery time. Non invasive treatments do not require the use of a scalpel, stitches and often have no downtime or minimal downtime compared to that of surgery. Most popular non invasive treatments are injectable treatments, such as Botox injections to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and dermal fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm and Voluma, aimed to t ‘fill’ and plump up the skin for a more youthful appearance. Dermal fillers are also used to fill up the lips in women with naturally thin lips of those whose lips have become thinner due to the ageing process. Non invasive treatments are also laser and light based technologies (such as IPL, Laser Resurfacing, Pixel Laser, Pearl Fractional and more) aimed to resurface the superficial layers of the skin. The idea is that dark spots, age spots, sun damage and other superficial skin imperfections are improved, by exfoliating the superficial layers of the skin and revealing the underlying younger looking skin. Laser resurfacing devices exist in various intensities, some produce only a very mild reddening of the skin and as such the patients can go back to work and normal life immediately. Others penetrate much deeper into the skin and as such require time way from work and up to 7-10 days recovery time. Non invasive also refers to skin tightening devises like Thermage and Titan. See also “skin tightening”. Although generally safer than surgical procedures, minimally invasive treatments are not completely risks free. It is essential that even in the case of temporary treatments such as dermal fillers, patients go to reputable clinics and highly experienced physicians.
A strong chemical solution used to remove deep wrinkles in the skin. This is the substance often contained in very strong chemical peels treatments.
Also known as Intense Pulse Light (IPL). It is a system of pulsed light and lasers that penetrates the skin to improve tone and texture. IPL is most frequently used to treat age spots and sun spots as well as Rosacea and small veins around the nose and the face.
The healing and recovery process after a surgical or minor surgical procedure has taken place.
A Surgical procedure or series of treatments aimed to improves and restore abnormal structures of the body. A reconstructive surgery is performed to improve the appearance and function of a body part.
To make the skin more youthful looking.
A dermal filler consisting of hyaluronic acid to smooth out lines and wrinkles. Also see “Dermal Fillers” for more information.
A condition causing flushing and redness due to dilated blood vessels that appears on the face, neck and chest. IPL is a popular treatment for Rosacea. Usually a series of treatments is required to see results.
The sagging skin on the jawline. Due to age our skin loses elasticity which results in sagging skin and loss of definition in the jaw area.
A permanent mark on the skin from a result of injury. Small pitted scars as well as deeper scars can be the result of acne. Some scars can be treated with laser devises. For keloid scars see under “keloid”. Steroid injections or surgical excision are the most common treatments for keloid scars, however reoccurrence rate is very high.
Various techniques for the removal of scars. One option is the use of steroid injection made of triamconolone to flatten a scar; or Pixel Laser using heat therapy to remove the top layers of the skin to address acne scars and pitted scars; or finally surgical scar excision to reposition or reduce the size of a scar.
A technique for treating thread or spider veins using a small needle to inject a solution into the veins making them collapse and fade in appearance.
Sculptra is a non-invasive anti-ageing treatment made of poly-L-lactic acid which stimulates the buildup of collagen in the skin to restore lost volume, smooth out lines and wrinkles; it can fill out deep scars and can fill nasolabial lines. On average 3 treatments are required and results should be noticeable after approximately 6 weeks (however, in some patients this may take longer or require more treatments).
A gland in the skin that produces oil.
The oil from a sebaceous gland.
The thin wall in-between the two nostrils in your nose. A deviated septum can affect breathing and can cause snoring.
A benign fleshy growth that can be found on the neck, under the arms or on the eyelids.
Skin tightening refers to both invasive surgical procedures as well as non invasive treatments aimed to tighten the skin around the face and body. For example Abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to make the abdomen more firm. The surgery tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin and fat around the abdomen area; the procedure is performed in a hospital and requires general anaesthetic and one or more nights stay. A Face Lift is a procedure aimed to tighten the skin around the face and neck. More recently, thanks to advances in technologies, new devices have been designed which are able to achieve a moderate lift and tightening of the skin without the need to undergo a surgical procedure. Thermage and Titan are amongst the most popular laser devices aimed to tighten the skin around the face, the eyes (the so called eye lids hooding or droopy eyelids); the stomach, and legs. Results vary and are never as dramatic as those achieved with a surgical procedure however there is none of the risks associated with surgery and there is no recovery time.
A sleep disorder whereby abnormal pauses in breathing occur during sleep. In some cases it can be life-threatening.
The snorting or throaty sound made by vibrations of the soft palate and other tissue in the mouth, nose or throat. A number of treatments for snoring are available depending on the cause of the patient’s snoring. In case of enlarged uvula, LAUP or laser assisted uvolaplasty can be an option.
Superficial veins that lie just beneath the skin. they are re usually purple or green and can potentially be treated with laser devices or sclerotherapy.
A gland that produces sweat in order to regulate the body temperature.
Thermage is a skin tightening devise. See also “skin tightening”. Thermage is a non invasive treatment, aimed to reduce visible signs of aging, smoothing and contouring trouble areas of loose skin in just one treatment without surgery. Thermage uses radiofrequency energy to promote the body’s own natural renewal process. It is a combination of heat to treat deep tissue, and cooling effects, to protect the skin surface and for better patient comfort.
*See “Spider Vein“
Titan is a skin tightening devise. See also “Skin Tightening” . It uses light energy to heat the dermis beneath the skin’s surface. Without surgery, recovery time, or injections, Titan can be used to tighten the skin around your face, abdomen, arms and knees.
The fleshy soft tissue at the back of your throat that hangs down. The uvula can become enlarged and cause snoring due to the vibration.
Abnormally dilated or enlarged veins that bulge beneath the skin. Varicose veins can be a cosmetic as well as a medical concern. Traditionally veins used to be remove via stripping, a procedure still popular in the NHS. Less invasive and more successful treatments such as EVLA are now available.
*Also see “Vaser Liposuction“. Vaser High Definition is an advanced Vaser Lipo techniques aimed to sculpt the patient’s body revealing a more athletic appearance. The procedure removes both superficial and deep fat from around muscle groups to enhance the visibility of the underlying musculature. This procedure is more popular in man for the torso and chest area.
Vaser Liposuction is a minimally invasive liposuction technique involving fat removal with the use of a small probe which transmits ultrasound energy to break up or liquefy the fatty tissues. The liquefied fat is then removed through a gentle suction process. Vaser Liposuction can be performed under local anaesthetic or sedation. Patients are able to go home same day and the recovery time is usually much faster than with standard liposuction.
Also see “Vaser Liposuction” and “Vaser High Definition“. Similar to vaser high def this is a more advanced technique than standard vaser. It also aims to reveal a more athletic appearance but less extreme than with vaser high def. In sum it produces results in between a standard vaser and a vaser high definition procedure.
*See “Spider Vein“, “thread veins” or “varicose veins“
VelaShape is the only FDA approved device aimed at reducing cellulite and firming problem areas in as little as 6 treatments. Over 3 million people worldwide have been treated with Velashape, including some celebrities such as Kim Kardashian who claim to be a fan. VelaShape features a combination of Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF), Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage. The treatment is non invasive and there is no downtime. The aim of the treatment is to increase the metabolism and lymphatic drainage whilst shrinking the actual fat cells.
A sharp, distinct point of hair growth in the centre of the forehead. It is either natural or a result of a receding hairline.
A straight line, fold or crease in the skin which is caused by ageing, smoking, excessive sun exposure or other lifestyle factors. Most popular treatments for wrinkles are botulinum injections and dermal fillers.
*See “Botox®” or “Dermal Fillers“.