We realise that some results can only be attained surgically, so we have selected a wide range of cosmetic treatment options for you to choose from.
At our Manchester clinic we offer surgical procedures alongside our minimally invasive, walk in, walk out procedures, and the list below gives you an outline of the procedures available to you.
Facial Plastic Surgery
Eyelid and Eye Bag Surgery is a straightforward procedure that is performed under local anaesthetic with no need for an overnight stay. The procedure can take that can take as little as 30 minutes and has a short recovery time.
The procedure works by removing any excess skin and fat from around the eyes. It is a great procedure that is effective at treating heavy, hooded or drooping eyelids, as well puffiness and large eye bags under the eyes.
The eye-opening results speak for themselves.
One of the oldest procedures around, Rhinoplasty is a very popular procedure that makes it possible to change the shape, size and length of a nose and its alar bases. Our surgeons make incisions inside your nose to then internally operate on skin, cartilage and bone to avoid visible scarring.
Otoplasty and Earlobe Correction
Ear surgery usually serves to pin back protruding ears although in some appropriate cases, their shape and size can also be altered.
Earlobe Reconstruction, on the other hand, focuses on repairing sagging, stretched or ripped earlobes by removing excess skin and reshaping the remaining tissue.
Both ear surgery procedures are performed under local anaesthetic and do not require a overnight stay in hospital.
A facelift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that works to tighten the skin around the face, jawline and neck. The procedure can help to reduce the appearance of sagging cheeks, loose jowls, deep nose to mouth lines and sagging in the neck. We offer a range of different facelift procedures and techniques to suit the needs of our patients, these include a full facelift, mini facelift, forehead lift, mid-face lift and neck lift. Some patients choose to combine a facelift with a blepharoplasty procedure for a youthful and rejuvenated appearance.
Tummy Tuck surgery is a way of removing excess skin and fat deposits from the abdomen and stomach area. The result is tighter and smoother appearance to the tummy. There are a variety of tummy tuck techniques including the standard, mini and extended tummy tuck that our experts can help guide you on to ensure you are getting the best results.
Excess fat that appears in the male chest area is often caused by gynaecomastia. This is a condition that causes male breasts to swell and become larger than normal. Our surgeons are very experienced in helping to reduce the appearance of male boobs and offer a variety of procedure to suit all types of gynaecomastia from mild to severe. Most commonly, liposuction is used to remove fat from the area, but surgical removal of glandular tissue is also common.
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can remove excess fat from specific body areas to sculpt the body and achieve a more defined shape. The surgical liposuction procedure is also known as liposculpture or suction-assisted lipectomy and is often combined with procedures such as tummy tuck and arm lift surgery. It can be used to treat the abdomen, back,buttocks crease, chest, inner knees, waist/ flanks, thighs, and upper arms.
Before and after an Arm Lift with The Private Clinic.
An arm lift procedure is designed to address ‘bingo wings’ by removing excess skin and fat, to then tighten any lax tissue. The treatment may also be combined with Liposuction to create an even tone and precise definition.
Breast Surgery
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation is known as the most popular cosmetic procedures, the procedure uses silicone gel-filled implants to increase breast size and shape by placing them either behind or in front of pectoral muscles. Our expert breast surgeons are very experienced in offering guidance on implant size, shape, profile and placement to help you achieve the best results. Breast enlargement is performed under general anaesthetic, usually as a day-case procedure.
If you have inverted nipples that don’t project and feel uncomfortable about them, then know that they can usually be corrected by releasing some of the milk ducts that might be pulling them inwards. Determining the cause of your inversion will determine the best way to go about treatment. The procedure is a simple one that only requires the use of local anaesthetic. The recovery period is minimal, usually about a week, though some women have reported feeling like normal after just a couple of days.
When a woman’s breasts are too large, they can turn into an emotional and painful physical struggle. Breast Reduction surgery removes excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts to reduce their size. The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic and does often require an overnight stay.
Sagging breasts can be addressed by removing excess skin to shape and position the breasts, but a Breast Uplift also makes it easy to alter and reposition the areola to make the breasts appear more lifted. It can be combined with a Breast Enlargement if you wanted to add more volume to the breast too.
As a rule, during all of the above-mentioned procedures, our surgeons take great care to make incisions along the natural folds and fine lines of your skin, so as to minimise visible scarring as much as possible.
The Private Clinic, Manchester
Our friendly Manchester team is dedicated to helping you find the best options for you and to support you throughout your surgical transformation, particularly post-operatively. We encourage you to pay us a visit is you’re considering plastic surgery and want honest and objective advice, given with your best interest in mind.
The Private Clinic has been treating patients for over 40 years with thousands of patients placing their trust in us each year.
Top UK specialised Consultant Plastic Surgeons with decades of experience.
Dedicated care with your expert surgeon and nursing team, and a 24 hour help line
Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound shape.
We pride ourselves in the expertise our Consultant Plastic Surgeons bring to the table and we’ve made a point of selecting elite candidates who our patients can rely on.
To find out more about the treatments available in Manchester or to book a consultation please contact the clinic on 0161 833 9393 or use our online contact form to book a consultation.