When is the best time to have an IPL treatment?


Achieving a perfect complexion especially in winter can be a difficult task even with the best skincare regime, so having some extra help with advanced laser skin treatments that can help you achieve your ideal skin goals.
Many people are concerned about pigmentation, redness, large pores, fine lines and wrinkles or suffer from rosacea; IPL is a light skin treatment that can help tackle these issues and reduce their appearance giving your skin a brighter and more rejuvenated look. In this blog post, we will be covering everything you need to know about the IPL treatment including when is the best time to get it done.
IPL treatment

What is IPL?

IPL, stands for Intense Pulse Light. This treatment consists of the emission of a laser and pulse light emission able to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin heating up cells to encourage the production of new and fresh collagen.
The production of fresh collagen helps minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and the light waves minimise the appearance of brown spots redness, rosacea and skin discolouration.

Is IPL an invasive treatment?

IPL is a non-invasive and not painful skin treatment. The sensations that are usually experienced whilst having the treatment are similar to the feeling of someone flicking the skin with an elastic band and a slight heat sensation, due to the light pulse reaching the skin.
If you feel any discomfort or have very sensitive skin, it’s possible to apply some an anaesthetic lotion prior to the procedure to numb the areas to be treated.

When is the best time to get an IPL treatment done?

The best time to undergo an IPL treatment is during winter as any changes in pigmentation can affect the results. The IPL treatment cannot be performed if the skin is naturally or fake tanned, you would have wait until the tan has completely faded away (usually takes 6 weeks) before your IPL treatment.

When would I be able to see the results?

The results from an IPL treatment can be seen each week after the treatments.
However, the best and final results are seen after the end of the course of treatments typically over the following 3-5 months.

ipl face treatment before and after
Before and after IPL treatment.

How long do the results last for after an IPL treatment?

The results from the IPL treatment are not forever, however, they do last a long time ranging from 12 to 18 months depending on your sun exposure. At The Private Clinic, we highly recommend using a high sun protection factor even in winter and when it is cloudy, and even more so if you are more susceptible to brown spots or redness.

How many IPL treatments will I need?

The number of treatments you might need will depend on the condition of your skin. Usually, patients require a course of 5 treatments, which are scheduled every 4 weeks in order for the skin to restore itself.
Once your initial course of treatments are over, to maintain the results we recommend going in for a top-up the following year.

In which clinics is IPL available?

IPL Photorejuvenation is performed in our clinics in London Harley Street and Manchester by trained skin specialists who are highly qualified.
If you would like to book a IPL consultation at either of these locations or see before and after images of the results of the IPL treatment please use our online contact form or call us on 0333 920 2471