What treatments are there for the male chest?


Perhaps more commonly (and rather uneloquently) known as ‘man boobs’, excess fat on the male chest is a common problem thought to affect at least 15% of the male population. Unlike fat elsewhere, however, some find the area simply doesn’t respond to changes in how we look after our health – even if the rest of the body does.

So what can be done?

If you’ve tried the obvious attack of diet and exercise (which is always our first port of call), there are a number of treatments which might be able to help. At The Private Clinic, we offer two minimally invasive options which are renowned for both their precision and lack of downtime; VASER Liposuction and MicroLipo (Microcannular Tumescent Liposuction). The best method for you ultimately comes down to the results you’re looking to achieve, and your personal preference in terms of how you want to achieve them.


Before and after MicroLipo treatment on the male chest.
Before and after MicroLipo treatment on the male chest.

Using tubes that range from just 0.9mm – 3mm, MicroLipo is a unique form of liposuction hailed for both its lack of invasion and extremely precise results. The size of the cannulas used to take fat from problem areas means there’s not only a better outcome, but also less less risk of irregularities than with traditional liposuction procedures.
This means it’s a particularly good option for delicate areas like the male chest. It can focus on specific problem points, meaning smaller pockets can be targeted alongside larger areas without a lengthy recovery period or the need for a hospital stay. The treatment is fairly speedy with patients able to leave (after resting) shortly after the procedure is over, and final results visible around 3-4 weeks after undergoing it.
Find out more about MicroLipo treatment

VASER Liposuction

Another less invasive option is VASER Lipo, which uses advanced ultrasound technology to break down fat cells prior to removing them, meaning less damage to surrounding tissues and more precise results. It is particularly popular with those looking to achieve athletic toning in the area, owing to the fact that various forms of the treatment are designed to help achieve specific results and finishes. VASER Hi-Def, for example, is particularly popular with those seeking an athletic appearance in the chest and abdomen due to the extreme toning and definition it can achieve (see image below).

An example of VASER Hi-Def treatment performed at The Private Clinic.
An example of VASER Hi-Def treatment performed at The Private Clinic.

Similarly other forms of the treatment give a varying extremity in results, depending on the final look you want to achieve. The extremely precise VASER 4-D method, for example, adds pockets of fat back into certain areas of the body for ‘superhero’ muscle definition. While standard and mid-def methods give definition, but in a more subtle way.
Find out more about VASER body sculpting treatments


It’s difficult to address areas of fat that don’t respond to exercise and diet, but there are treatments that can help. They should never replace a healthy lifestyle, nor should they mean you don’t work hard to keep up your results after treatment. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells, but it’s important to remember that this doesn’t stop the ones left behind expanding if you don’t take good care of yourself. Liposuction is not – and should never be used as – a quick fix, and that’s something you should always remember before undergoing any form of the treatment. If you don’t, you’ll just end up disappointed in the long run.
Providing you are suitable and willing to maintain the results, male chest reduction treatments can help transform your shape; whether that’s getting rid of an annoying area of fat, or giving it more definition. It’s always about making sure the treatment is right for you.
Read more about male chest reduction procedures.