Prep Your Way to a Confident Summer Body


As the first signs of summer slowly start to make an appearance, you may be dusting off that summer wardrobe and getting ready to ditch the baggy jumpers and tights in favour of bare legs, summer tops and dresses.
To many this may seem heavenly but for some, the months of summer can be difficult when you are not feeling as confident about your body as your friends and family are.
Liposuction/VASER Lipo
With many of us now living healthy and active lifestyles it can be really frustrating when your hard work just doesn’t seem to be paying off. Sometimes certain areas of our body are predisposed to store fat and often no matter how much exercise you do, it just won’t shift. When this is the case, one of our minimally invasive Liposculpting procedures could help you achieve the body you have been working hard to achieve.
Vaser Lipo is able to target the thighs, hips, flanks, waist, abdomen, buttocks, arms, chin, back, neck, breasts, chest, knees and ankles and we are able to treat any gender.
We perform over 1,300 minimally invasive liposuction and body contouring procedures a year, and, combined, our doctors perform the highest number of VASER liposuction procedures in the UK.
Our Vaser Liposuction procedures are carried out at our own local theatres in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester and Leeds. We tailor-make each procedure, meaning you’ll always be given our full attention and we will work hard to ensure you receive the kind of results you want – whether it’s an athletic, masculine figure or more subtle, feminine curves.
Breast Surgery
If the idea of donning a bikini and spending a week in the sun with your gal pals fills you with dread then you may have already started to look at breast surgery. Whether it’s increasing the size of your bust or reducing it we have variety of options to suit you and get you to your desired goal.
We can use a combination of our procedures to fix asymmetry and tuberous busts and even if it’s something more minor (like inverted nipples) that are making you feel uncomfortable then we can help you.
We have been treating patients for over thirty years and our team of breast surgery specialists are able to use their years of expertise to ensure you find the right option for your needs.
Breast Surgery consultations are available in – London, London City, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow, Buckinghamshire and Northampton.
Tummy tuck/Mini Tummy Tuck
If your problem is not excess fat but sagging skin then a tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) would be your best option. Sagging skin often occurs due to pregnancy or weight loss and for many who have excess skin around their stomach it can leave you feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable especially when it comes to wearing swimwear or fitted/summer clothes.
Depending on the severity of your excess skin and whether your muscles need to be tightened or not will determine what type of procedure will be best for you. A mini tummy tuck for example only removes a small portion of tissue between the area above your pubic region to the tummy button rather than the whole area of the tummy like in a full tummy tuck.
Working with only the very best surgeons ensures that we can produce the results you want safely. We’re proud to have some of the UK’s most respected doctors as part of our Tummy Tuck team.
Tummy tuck consultations available in –London, London City, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow, Buckinghamshire and Northampton.