Live Clinic Session: NLite Treatment
This week saw the launch of the first in a series of live Twitter clinics straight from the Private Clinic Twitter feed.
Using the hashtag #LiveClinicSession, the public were able to follow Nurse Practitioner Marie Narsoomamode whilst she carried out an NLite Laser procedure on patient Dina.
If you missed the session, then not to worry, we have now uploaded a full transcript containing all updates from the session, which you can find as follows:
#LiveClinicSession: NLite Treatment
- Good morning! Today we will be documenting a live NLite treatment #LiveClinicSession
- Nurse practitioner, Marie, will be performing a live NLite treatment on our willing patient Dina today #LiveClinicSession
- Marie will first brief Dina and ask whether she is on any medication. Note: we don’t carry this procedure out on pregnant women #LiveClinicSession
- [Photo] Marie asking Dina medical questions ahead of the treatment: http://flic.kr/p/dctukL #LiveClinicSession
- On the day, Marie asks that patients bring their lotions & potions along, so she can advise which are best suited #LiveClinicSession
- Prior to treatment: If you use Retin-A or Renova for your skin, we ask that you discontinue this 1 week before treatment #LiveClinicSession
- Smokers: Marie recommends that you don’t smoke on the day of your procedure, or at the very least a couple of hours before #LiveClinicSession
- The consultation is now complete, Dina makes herself comfortable on the bed #LiveClinicSession
The Treatment
- Due to the nature of the laser light, laser safety eyewear must be worn during the procedure – Marie supplies the goggles #LiveClinicSession
- [Photo] The session is about to begin: http://flic.kr/p/dctvrk #LiveClinicSession
- [Photo] Here’s a picture of Marie, preparing Dina for her NLite treatment #LiveClinicSession pic.twitter.com/elmaHND5
- Marie turns on the SmartPulse™ laser light and begins to apply it to Dina’s face #LiveClinicSession
- As Marie carries out the treatment, we continue to ask questions.. #LiveClinicSession
- Marie informs us that patients receive treatment for the back, neck and décolletage (chest area) not just the face #LiveClinicSession
- Suitable candidates are those with acne, acne scarring or wrinkles. Also perfect for those that want to freshen up their skin #LiveClinicSession
- The NLite treatment targets the bacteria that causes the spots, leaving patients with smooth skin #LiveClinicSession
- [Photo] The NLite Laser in action: http://flic.kr/p/dcuM6q #LiveClinicSession
- Marie tells us that the NLite laser was first created to rejuvenate the skin. It was later found that it helped to control acne #LiveClinicSession
- The laser stimulates the natural repair mechanism in the skin – clearing acne in just a few sessions. #LiveClinicSession
- Treatment with NLite laser can increase the production of collagen by 85% #LiveClinicSession
Post Treatment
- Less than 30 minutes later and Dina is free to leave.. #LiveClinicSession
- We ask Dina how it felt: she informs us that the treatment felt warm and tingly, ‘it’s not uncomfortable’ #LiveClinicSession
- Results: Marie recommends a course of 3 treatments, spread one a month. Then a maintenance procedure every 6/12 months #LiveClinicSession
What is the NLite Laser Treatment?
NLite is a non-invasive laser acne treatment that works in 3 ways:
- Kills the bacteria
- Stimulates new collagen
- Reduces inflammation
The treatment is suitable for all skin types and can be used to treat acne on the face, neck, back and chest.
You can find out more about the NLite Laser treatment on our website here.
The Private Clinic
We are the UK’s leading non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic group of clinics and have some of the most experienced specialists in the industry that can advise on the best treatment for acne. We treat thousands of patients every year offering our knowledge and expertise. All of our Clinics are registered with the Care Quality Commission.
Our Consultant Dermatologist; Dr Rishika Sinha, MA(Cantab), MB BChir, MRCP(Derm). GMC Number: 6092256 is able to consult on the condition at our London Harley Street clinic, while our skin specialists are available at all of our clinics in UK Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton
To find out more about Nlite acne treatments or to book an appointment with our skin specialists give us a call on 0333 920 2471 or use our acne treatment online contact form.