Why more patients are turning to private healthcare


Friday 25th February on Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies, the nation viewed Vicky, an acne patient, who was treated at The Private Clinic in Manchester.
Vicky had a dermaroller treatment and nlite laser acne treatment and the nation was wowed by her amazing result for acne and acne scarring which will change the way she faces everyday life, with a new found confidence.
Acne is a common condition often causing low self esteem and can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. It is for this reason why we need to consider acne as a medical condition, not only just a cosmetic problem. There are an increasing number of similar so called ‘cosmetic conditions’ that are being edged out of the NHS such as:
It is very easy to underestimate the psychological impact these problems have on the individual and therefore they do need to be taken seriously. The NHS without doubt has funding issues and is struggling to meet all the demands placed upon it, resulting in more and more patients having to look to the private healthcare market for help.

To help you with your search for the right treatment and clinic to go to here’s a few tips:

  • Speak to your GP, the NHS may still be able to help. If not your GP may be able to help you find a suitable private practice
  • Look for clinics which are regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
  • Always go to doctors and surgeons with extensive experience in the procedures they offer. Ask them about their GMC registration number. Ask them how many patients they have treated and to show you their results.
  • Cheaper doesn’t mean better. When choosing a surgeon or a doctor, their experience should be your main criteria and not how much they charge. Safety should always come first.
  • Make sure you understand the possible risks and side effects of every procedure.
  • Trust your instincts. If you don’t feel right about a clinic or a practitioner, something may not be right.
  • Do not rush in any decision. Leave and think about it until you are 100% sure about your choice.

To find out more about the cosmetic treatments we offer at The Private Clinic, 0333 920 2471 , or use our online contact form.
Our clinics are located in: London Harley StreetBirmingham,  LeedsManchester and Northampton.