How does the N-Lite work for Acne?


In a previous blog we spoke with our Aesthetic Therapists from The Private Clinic to answer your top questions about the N-Lite Machine.
Here we bring you part 2 of the Q&A which goes into more information about treating acne especially.

How does the N-Lite work for acne?

The N-Lite laser treatment works in 3 ways: killing the bacteria, stimulating new collagen and reducing inflammation.
For Acne treatments the light of the laser kills the acne bacteria that cause the infection that can result in lesions and spots appearing on the skin. We treat the whole face to ensure the bacteria is killed over the whole area reducing the risk of infection spreading and further breakouts from occurring. The treatment also results in the stimulation of dermal collagen production which is a result of the body’s natural wound healing response; this can help to reduce the appearance of mild acne scarring. We are able to reduce the inflammation of the skin and prevent formation of new breakouts by stimulating the cytokine molecule.

How many treatments are usually recommended for a successful result?

It does depend on the patient’s skin to be able to determine how many treatments they will need to be able to address their concerns. For aggressive acne a course of 5 treatments is recommended although they may need more or a combination of the N-lite treatment and another skin treatment. After the patients initial course of treatment it is best advised to have single treatments every 3 months for maintenance.

What can I expect after my treatment?

After your first treatment you can experience breakouts a few weeks after, this is because the laser can draw out the acne making it appear worse as the immune system has had a shock. After a few days the body’s natural wound healing response will start to clear up the acne, patients will start to see the old breakouts will start to heal and calm down. Some swelling may be present and sometimes patients can have mild bruising on the skin due to blood capillaries lying close to the surface of the skin, but these may subside within a few hours.
Through the rest of the course of treatment results will be gradual over this time; full benefit of the treatment is normally seen within 3 months after the last treatment of the course.

What can I do after treatment to aid my results?

After treatment we will suggest to refrain from using any products with active ingredients (for example, salicylic, glycolic, retinol) in them for at least 48 hours after treatment to allow your skin to settle and recover. After 48 hours you are able to use your home care products, although you would still be advised to wait a few more days before using retinols, salicylic or glycolic products. Swimming, direct sunlight or sunbeds and fake tan should all be avoided for 2-3 days.
The practitioner will recommend continuing using sun protection. Depending on your concerns addressed in the consultation for maximum results we do offer Advanced Nutrition food supplements that can help the skin from the inside out, these supplements are best to take 2 weeks before your first treatment and after your course of treatment.  For Acne we recommend Skin Accumax to help control and reduce acne and breakouts and for those concerned with general ageing well and loss of collagen we recommend the Skin complete or collagen supplements, aiding in the support of production of healthy skin cells.
A product that everyone should be using in their skin care regime is the Blemish and Age Defence from Skin Ceuticals which contains glycolic, salicylic and Dioic acid. This product helps to create a path way in the skin to allow other products to deliver deeper in the skin. You will see the breakouts and oil production of the skin reduce and your skin will generally look a lot healthier.
For acne or breakout prone skin cutting out dairy from the diet can also help to reduce acne, as it could be an indication of intolerance to the lactose. Cutting out refined sugar can help as our bodies are unable to break these sugars down properly, this can result in the body purging through the skin resulting in breakouts and can result in premature ageing of the skin. Beer can be another culprit as it is fermented and sits in our digestive systems which can then be linked to acne of the of the face. Looking after the body on the inside as well as the outside will help to reduce any concerns of the skin, whether it be taking antioxidants or seeing the GP as it could also be an indication of a hormonal imbalance.

Acne treatment at The Private Clinic

We are the UK’s leading non-invasive cosmetic group and have some of the most experienced skin specialists and Consultant Dermatologists working with us. Our nurses and practitioners have performed more N-Lite treatments to date than any other clinic in the country.
Available at Birmingham, London Harley Street, Manchester, Leeds & Northampton