7 Questions answered about FUE Hair Transplants
Hair transplants can be an unknown area for many of us and although there is a lot of information out there, it may seem a bit confusing.
We have answered 7 frequently asked questions about FUE hair transplants that will hopefully dispel some common myths associated with the procedure so you can be more advised ahead of your consultation.
Are hair transplants only for men?
Hair loss can affect men and women and although FUE Hair Transplants are more popular with men, this doesn’t mean that they can’t help women suffering with significant hair loss also. A consultation with our trichologist team is a good place to start to rule out any other causes but if they feel a FUE hair transplant would be beneficial then you will be referred.
Will I leave with a full head of hair again?
In an ideal world this would be the dream, but unfortunately as with many of our surgical procedures you will need to be patient. After you have an FUE hair transplant you will need to allow time for the hair follicles to grow – just like normal hair. This can take up to a year but you will notice a change gradually.
Will my new hair look like my old hair?
When it comes to transplanting your donor hair into the recipient area, our highly skilled team take great care to copy the growth of your natural hair which means that gradually as the hair starts to grow, it will blend in naturally to the rest of your hair.
Where does the donor hair come from?
In order for a hair transplant to work successfully you will need to take donor hair from your own head otherwise your body will reject the foreign hair. This does also mean that if you are fully bald, or your hair is not of good quality then a FUE hair transplant many not be the treatment for you.
Am I too old to have a hair transplant?
You are more likely to be too young for a hair transplant than too old. Many people believe that it is best to have a hair transplant when they are young (20-30) but this is not always the case. Although each individual is different, we tend to find you will have a more successful hair transplant when you are slightly older (30+). When you are young your hair loss and hair growth pattern can be irregular and obviously hair loss can continue to worsen as you get older meaning it is more likely that you will need to have more procedures as time goes on, Wayne Rooney is a good example. As long as you are in good health then it is unlikely for you to be seen as being too old for a hair transplant.
Will the new hair fall out?
You may notice some hair loss from the new transplanted area a few weeks after treatment. Do not panic, this is normal. After the hair has had an initial shedding then it will grow back strong and healthy and remain in place.
Does a larger graft mean there is more chance of success?
We are able to safely extract up to 7,000 hairs in one day. In order to achieve natural results and keep scarring to the donor area to a minimum it is important not to try and move too much hair at once. Although the scalp has a great blood supply which is able to sustain the growth of a large number of transplanted grafts, there is still a limit and we do not want to overwhelm the scalp by transplanting too many as this will cause poor growth. Your surgeon will be able to best advise you on the size of graft that would be appropriate for you.
FUE Hair Transplants at The Private Clinic
Why Choose The Private Clinic?
The Private Clinic prides itself on ensuring you have the best quality and most comprehensive care:
- 24 hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
- As many post-operative care and appointments with your Hair Transplant surgeon and nursing team as required.
- Highly experienced Hair Transplant Surgeons who have many years of experience.
- Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way.
- Outstanding clinic facilities.
- Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound head of hair.
Useful Links
- View our before and after results gallery
- Find out more information in our blogs
- Read our extensive FAQs
- Hear from previous Hair Transplant patients in our patient stories and videos
- We have clinics nationwide in London Harley Street, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
Expert Hair Transplant Surgeons at The Private Clinic
- Mr Michael Mouzakis, MD, MSc. GMC Number: 7237640
- Dr Luca de Fazio, MD, BSc, Msc. GMC Number: 7095123
Get in touch
If you would like to find out more or arrange a hair transplant consultation with one of our leading surgeons or patient advisors at one of our nationwide locations, please get in touch via 0333 920 2471 or use our hair transplant online contact form.