Women rush to banish their ‘Madonna Mitts’ with the perfect anti-ageing procedure for HANDS
Mail Online
Forget muffin tops and crows feet, women are now seeking cosmetic surgery to banish signs of ageing on their hands.
Cosmetic surgery clinics have reported an 18 per cent increase in enquiries in the past month of people having anti-ageing procedures on their hands.
The new cosmetic surgery trend, which sees women having dermal fillers and laser resurfacing to reduce the signs of ageing, has been dubbed the banishing of ‘Madonna Mitts’ after popstar Madonna, 55, who has ‘anti-aged’ almost every part of her body but often resorts to fingerless gloves to cover her hands.
As the years pass, skin on the hands thins, causing veins to become more prominent and liver spots to appear.
While make-up can disguise tell-tale signs of ageing on the face, it’s more difficult with hands – which is why it’s often said that hands are the best indicator of age.
Speaking about the latest cosmetic trend, a spokesman for the Transform clinic, which has seen an 18 per cent increase in the number of anti-ageing hand procedures perforemed, said: ‘Our hands are exposed to the sun more frequently than other parts of the body and a failure to apply sun cream to hands as regularly as we do the face makes them susceptible to sunspots and accelerated aging.
‘With the hot weather this summer we have experienced a marked increase in inquiries from women complaining of sunspots on their hands, along with the skin becoming thin and crepey.
‘Hand rejuvenation is becoming increasingly popular, with dermal fillers volumising and smoothing the skin, encouraging the production of collagen to provide a youthful look.
‘Laser resurfacing of the hands is also on the rise thanks to its ability to improve sun-damaged skin and reduce the appearance of sunspots.’
The Private Clinic on Harley Street also offer a treatment to rejuvenate the hands and have seen a surge in enquiries.
Their procedure takes fat from one part of the patient’s body and injects it into the hands. It is done while the patient is awake and is designed to give long term rejuvenation benefits to the hands.
Dr Dennis Wolf, fat transfer specialist at The Private Clinic, performing fat transfer to the hands on 57 year old Rosetta Citton.