Tatler Beauty and Cosmetic Surgery Guide 2011
Tatler 2011
The solution
Microlipo is a form of liposuction that uses the finest cannulas yet (think of them as mini vacuum cleaners) to smooth out those hard to budge flabby bits. It’s better for sculpting smaller areas – such as knees, fronts of thighs and jowls – than tummies and bums, and the main difference from traditional procedures is that you’re awake during the treatment, which reduces the dangers often associated with sedation and more than halves the recovery time. The area to be treated is first pumped full of liquid anaesthetic and left for 40 minutes to numb and prepare the tissue. Then the cannulas are repeatedly pushed into tiny 1mm incisions in the skin, excavating stubborn fat cells.
Pain factor
Our tester reported a sensation almost like having stitches when the needles were pushed beneath the skin but felt little overall pain. The next day the area may feel slightly tender, but a paracetamol will fix it
You can be out and about in two days and in the gym after five. Stitches aren’t needed but wounds can be a bit weepy for up to 36 hours, so wear loose clothes and invest in a black compression garment.
Who to see Dr Puneet Gupta, aesthetic physician at The Private Clinic, 98 Harley Street, W1 (tel: 0333 920 9135; theprivateclinic.co.uk), is the first in Europe to practise this technique, which originated in Los Angeles. He has also pioneered its use as a non-invasive alternative to breast reduction.
9/10 You’ll wake up the next day feeling svelte and sculpted, and marking is minimal (think mosquito-bite blemishes that quickly fade rather than full-on puncture wounds). Workouts and sensible diet will help maintain the results.