Top tips for a seamless FUE Hair Transplant Recovery


If you are reading this, you may have just got home after a FUE hair transplant procedure or you are potentially booked in to have one soon and want to be prepared. Recovery after a hair transplant procedure should not impact on your life too much with the general healing period taking between 5-7 days for all redness and swelling to subside

Hands Off!

It may be tempting to want to touch and feel your new hair line but it is important that you try not to touch the new area of grafts and this includes with your hands, hats, combs and helmets.

Sleep Upright

An FUE hair transplant can be a long day so one of the first things you are going to think about doing when you arrive back home is probably sleeping. It is best if you try to sleep in a semi-sitting position just in order to keep the head elevated and avoid any unwanted extra

Stay away from the Gym

You may question why spending some time on the running machine could affect the healing of your hair? But it is all to do with the sweat, sweating increases the risk of infection and when you have open wounds you want to avoid anything that is going to cause this. So it is best to avoid the gym for at least 1 week and not to attempt any heavy lifting for 10 days. You should also avoid steam rooms, saunas and any other strenuous activities that cause excessive sweating.

No Drinking

After finally going through with the procedure you may have been hoping to celebrate with friends and family but you should be avoiding drinking any alcohol during the recovery process as it affects the blood supply to your head. It is also best to avoid smoking and steer clear of spicy food as the body’s reaction to the food can interfere with the natural healing process.

Listen to your Doctor

After the procedure you will be given a variety of medications and advice from your doctor and his or her team. It is important you listen to this and take the said course of action especially for the first 3 days, which may involve you having to spray the donor hair regularly to promote healing. Make sure you understand the medications and the frequency you should be taking them and if you have any questions get back in contact with your doctor.
Recovery from an FUE Hair Transplant can take time with full results often taking up to 12 months to be seen. Following all the advice and guidance from the medical team will help ensure that your recovery process is simple and stress free.

Hair Transplant Surgery at The Private Clinic

The Private Clinic prides itself on ensuring you have the best quality and most comprehensive care:

  • 24 hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
  • As many post-operative care and appointments with your Hair Transplant surgeon and nursing team as required.
  • Highly experienced Hair Transplant Surgeons who have many years of experience.
  • Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way.
  • Outstanding clinic facilities.
  • Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfactionhonest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound head of hair.
  • View our before and after results gallery
  • Find out more information in our blogs
  • Read our extensive FAQs
  • Hear from previous Hair Transplant patients in our patient stories and videos
  • We have clinics nationwide in London Harley StreetBirminghamBristolLeedsManchester and Northampton.

Expert Hair Transplant Surgeons at The Private Clinic

If you would like to find out more or arrange a hair transplant consultation with one of our leading surgeons or patient advisors at one of our nationwide locations, please get in touch via 0333 920 2471 or use our hair transplant online contact form.