Can exercise cause varicose veins?

While we often promote exercise as a way of helping to prevent your risk of developing varicose veins, it can often come as a surprise to many patients who are very healthy and active but have still developed varicose veins. Varicose veins are caused by weak vein walls and valves. So whilst it is impossible… Continue reading Can exercise cause varicose veins?

What age do Varicose Veins appear?

Whilst varicose veins are more known for appearing in older adults, but many younger people are still at risk of developing them too before they reach the age of 40. Why does older age make us more at risk of varicose veins? When we talk about varicose veins and what causes them, age does come… Continue reading What age do Varicose Veins appear?

Studies reveal that Varicose Veins are linked to genetics

In a new study conducted by Oxford researchers, a critical genetic risk score had been developed to predict the likelihood of patients that were suffering with varicose veins to require surgery. What are Varicose Veins? Varicose veins are veins that are enlarged, swollen, lumpy, bumpy, or twisted in appearance. They often appear on the legs… Continue reading Studies reveal that Varicose Veins are linked to genetics