Cosmetic procedures to maintain youthful looks


It has been reported that 230,000 people aged over 50 in the UK have opted for a nip, tuck or other procedure. This figure is not really of a surprise to us here at The Private Clinic. We often have a waiting room full of clients wishing to turn back the years but is there a way to refresh your look without losing your identity?
There are so many treatment options these days to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, smooth out the skin and lift the face for example and it all comes down to choosing the right one to maintain a youthful look. It is very easy to get the results you desire without letting the whole world know – just look at some of your favourite celebrities who seemingly have not aged at all during their career. It is very likely that they have had some kind of treatment even if they have chosen not to disclose it.
There are a few ways to help ensure that you achieve a subtle change;
Take a look back – When you attend your appointment with your doctor, nurse or surgeon, bring along some photos of your younger self. This is a great way for them to be able to see the natural shape of your face and avoid any changes that are not within your natural structure.
Start young – When you are younger, your collagen will respond well to skin treatments that promote the production of more collagen and the results will last longer. Treatments like skin peels and the dermaroller are a great place to start; they are great at reducing lines and making the skin look overall healthier and regenerated. If you are a bit older and looking for something a bit stronger then consider a laser resurfacing treatment which will help to improve any sun damage and the general texture of your skin. If you do go on to decide on surgery then having your skin in the best condition is a great start for better results.
Don’t skimp – Cosmetic surgery and treatments do come at a cost and there are many reasons for this, the most important is for the skill of the surgeon, doctor or nurse. It is very easy these days to find cut price deals which will make you wonder why you should pay full price. Choosing a skilled and certified surgeon, doctor or nurse will make a huge difference when it comes to getting the results that you want. Always check to make sure they are registered with the relevant bodies and ask to see before and after photos of their previous work to assess their natural aesthetic skills.
Combine Treatments – Don’t be surprised when your surgeon tells you that there’s not one surgical procedure that is going to fix your concerns. It may be that you need to combine a mix of surgical and non-surgical procedures to get the result you want, without dramatic surgery and a complete change of the face. A good example of this is someone looking to rejuvenate their eyes they may benefit from a blepharoplasty which will help with the sagging but in order to reduce dark circles you may need dermal fillers rather than any additional surgical procedures. This will make your results a lot more natural.
Don’t wait until it’s too late – Some surgical procedures have recommended ages in which the best results are going to be seen. For example surgeons tend to not perform tummy tucks on anyone who is still yet to have children or anyone that has additional medical concerns. This generally means it is unlikely for a tummy tuck to be performed on anyone over the age of 60 or under the age 35 in order to rule out patients who would not be getting long lasting results with a smooth recovery. Facelifts are another good example for this, although it may see premature to be looking into the procedure at 40+, your skin will have a lot more elasticity at this age to give you a better result  and people will say you look rested and may not even notice that you have had surgery.

If you are concerned with the appearance of your skin we recommend coming in for a consultation first where you will be able to discuss your skin concerns with a practitioner and discuss in detail the variety of treatments available and which one would be best suited for you.
The Private Clinic
At The Private Clinic we like to call ourselves pro-ageing; we think every year makes us that little bit more beautiful and, while changes might seem daunting, they don’t have to be a bad thing. By knowing your options you can consult a professional and pick an approach that is personally best for you, so that your body can better reflect the youthfulness of your spirit. So take control and be the best ‘you’ that you can be.
We have clinics in; London Harley Street, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Leeds, Buckinghamshire, Northampton and Glasgow