What is the difference between natural and augmented results with breast enlargement surgery?
Breast Enlargement is not a standard set procedure, the implants used come in a variety of different sizes, widths, profiles and shapes meaning the results achieved from the procedure can vary depending on the implant chosen and the body size and shape of the individual receiving them.
Breast Enlargement results tend to sit in two different categories; Augmented and Natural. It has become more common these days for patients to request natural results favouring the looks of celebrities such as Gigi Hadid. In comparison, however, there are still patients who favour the augmented look and wish to make a more noticeable change to their appearance.
When we say an augmented breast appearance it usually refers to a result where the breasts are more noticeable and prominent in comparison to a ‘natural result’. The desire for an augmented result tends to stem from celebrities and that ‘Hollywood’ look with many favouring the larger appearance.
Typical characteristics include;
- A large bust in proportion to the natural shape and frame of the body.
- Dramatic contouring around the breasts.
- Prominent cleavage that gives the appearance of a push-up bra whilst not wearing a bra.
- Breasts that sit in a high position on the chest.
The best way to ensure an augmented result is to choose a larger implant size which is high profile and placed over the muscle. During your consultation, you will be able to try on a variety of implants and some of our surgeons offer 3D scans that will allow you to see how you may look with different-sized implants.
A natural result is one that although there will be a noticeable difference to your chest size, the result won’t look unnatural and for anyone who has never met you, they often would not know that you have had surgery.
Typical characteristics of a natural breast enlargement result include;
- Breasts that do not sit high on the chest.
- A mid slope of the breast towards the nipple.
- The majority of the volume in the lower half of the breast.
- Breasts that feel and move like natural breast tissue.
- Nipples sitting at the most fullest part of the breast.
The best way to ensure a natural result is by limiting the size of the implant you choose to keep in proportion to the natural shape of your body. Surgeons will also take care to limit the width of the implant to proportionately fit within the width of your chest. Choosing implants that have a moderate profile or lower and placing them in a position under the muscle. In some cases, teardrop implants may be favoured when the patient has a limited amount of natural breast tissue.
Breast Implants at The Private Clinic
At The Private Clinic, our surgeons tend to aim for a natural result unless they are specifically asked by the patient for an augmented result. Your surgeon will suggest the best implants for your chest width and frame to get the appearance that you desire but this does not mean that they will favour a teardrop implant over a round implant however as natural-looking results can be easily created using a round implant. In more extreme cases ethical surgeons will not want to be associated with creating an extremely augmented look.
Take a look at our before and after breast enlargement photos.
Why choose The Private Clinic?
- We have dedicated post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon and nursing team, including a 24-hour help line.
- All procedures are performed in state-of-the-art hospital facilities.
- We have a team of highly experienced Cosmetic Breast Surgeons who have decades of experience.
- See our FAQ’s for further questions
- View our breast enlargement video series on your comprehensive breast enlargement journey.
- Consultations for breast enlargement surgery are available at London Harley Street, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, and Northampton
- We work with our partnered finance provider ‘Chrysalis Finance’ to offer 0% finance* to our patients. Get in touch to find out more.
Get in touch
Breast Enlargement consultations with surgeons at The Private Clinic are free with a refundable deposit to secure your appointment. To find out more or to book a free consultation please call 03339209135.