Bad hair day, who can help?

A bad hair day to some may mean a kink in the hair that just won’t straighten or a slight frizz that your hairspray just can’t tame, but for others, a bad day hair can be everyday with problems that no amount of styling mouse or hair brushes can fix. Problems with your hair may… Continue reading Bad hair day, who can help?

The Norwood Scale of Hair loss: How does it work

Male Pattern Baldness is responsible for 95% of all hair loss in men. The condition, which is hereditary, occurs when a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) causes healthy hair follicles to shrink and the hairs attached to them to consequently fall out. The Norwood Scale (see image below) was designed to help understand the different stages… Continue reading The Norwood Scale of Hair loss: How does it work

Trichology treatments now available at The Private Clinic of Harley Street

Several of The Private Clinic’s UK bases are now able to offer trichologist-led treatments for hair damage, hair thinning, and scalp issues We’re extremely excited to announce the arrival of trichologist-led hair treatments at our London Harley Street, Leeds and Glasgow clinics. Thousands of us experience hair thinning or damage at some point in our… Continue reading Trichology treatments now available at The Private Clinic of Harley Street